
Social Security Disability: What It Is And How To Know If You Can Apply

  • March 19, 2024
  • 6 min read
Social Security Disability: What It Is And How To Know If You Can Apply

Anyone can become disabled, either momentarily or permanently. Indeed, many experts believe that Americans in their twenties today have a 30% probability of developing a debilitating ailment severe enough to prevent them from working for at least three months before retiring. Despite the high probability of disability, most people do not have short- or long-term disability insurance.

Social security disability is a government program that provides monthly payments to people who are too disabled to work. The disabilities could be physical, developmental, mental, or emotional. To qualify for social security disability benefits, you need to have been working and paying into the system for a while before becoming disabled. It would help if you also showed that your disabilities would not improve over time by showing medical evidence from qualified doctors in the form of signed statements and reports.

This article covers everything you would want to know about social security disability so that you can make an informed decision as soon as possible.

What is Social Security Disability (SSD)?

Social security disability refers to an individual’s inability to work. It can be a “physical or mental disability” that prevents the person from engaging in any job for at least 12 months, or it is an injury sustained while on active duty with the armed forces. Note that disabilities are not classified as disabilities if they only happen during short periods and last less than six weeks.

Social Security Disability

If someone is disabled but does not qualify under SSDI requirements: they may still be eligible for SSD benefits if their disabilities are related to military service; disabilities that last less than one year; alcoholism as of 1996 (when amendments were made); drug addiction as of 1972 (again when amendments were made).

If someone is considered disabled, they may be eligible for Social Security Disability. You need to have worked in the past and made enough money to pay into the system to qualify. They also need at least five years of work history or ten years if their disabilities are related to military service. The disability must last for at least 12 months, and there can’t be any job prospects out on that horizon.

The application process typically takes six to eight months and costs $20 for the first month. You’ll be required to provide documentation about your disabilities, which can include a doctor’s note or disability letter from Social Security Administration (if you’ve already applied).

Who Can Apply For SSD Benefits?

Anyone who is too disabled to work for one year can apply for SSD benefits. Disabilities must be physical or mental disabilities, and they cannot last less than six weeks. People who have disabilities due to military service may also qualify.

If someone has disabilities that only lasted for less than one year, their disability is considered “temporary” in the eyes of the Social Security Administration (SSA). In this case, they are not eligible and should instead look into other types of public assistance programs like Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI) in Arizona.

SSA defines alcoholism includes:

  • Alcoholism.
  • Drug addiction lasting more than 365 days.
  • Leprosy after 1996 (when amendments were made).
  • Tuberculosis after 1968 when amendments were made.

If you’re disabled because of alcoholism, you may not qualify for SSD.

To be eligible for disabilities related to alcohol or drug addiction: the disability must last more than one year; disabilities need to happen as of 1972 (again when amendments were made). People with disabilities due to drug addiction that only lasts for six weeks are considered temporary disabilities and thus ineligible. Alcoholics who have disabilities lasting less than a year are also ineligible.

What if there is no family member on social security? If someone has dependents that depend on them for support, they may get social security benefits even if there is no family member on the system. Social Security Administration (SSA) will need proof that these disabilities make it impossible to work and provide for these dependents.

If you’ve been denied benefits, don’t give up. A denied decision can be appealed with the help of a social security disability attorney in Arizona who will ensure you get your share of SSD benefits. They use a legal process to know if you qualify for SSD benefits if your condition meets certain qualifications and have enough work credits to be eligible.

The Social Security Disability (SSD) program is a federal benefit that provides financial assistance to people who cannot work because of disabilities and has been disabled for more than one year. It may also be available if disabilities only last less than six weeks but meet specific criteria, including the following disabilities:

  • Blind or have low vision
  • You are a worker’s widow or widower
  • Have a disabled child
  • You are part of the wounded warriors and veterans organization

How to Know If You Qualify For Disability Benefits From SSD

You need to follow certain criteria to apply for SSD benefits, including disabilities that last longer than one year and disabilities related to military service. It would help if you also had a family member on social security (or be eligible for disabled widow’s benefits) who is currently receiving SSD benefits.

If disabilities are less than six weeks long but meet specific criteria: the disability must have lasted more than 365 days; it has to occur as of 1972 when amendments were made. People with disabilities due to alcohol or drug addiction will need at least five years’ worth of social security contributions to qualify.

If you have dependents who rely on your income, then you may be able to qualify for SSD benefits even when no family member is collecting social security. You’ll need proof that disabilities make it impossible to work or provide support, and this will include a doctor’s note or notice from the Social Security Administration (if already applied).

If you meet the work credit requirements and are eligible for benefits, you will be asked five questions:

  1. Do you have a job?
  2. Do you have a serious illness?
  3. Does your illness appear on the list of debilitating illnesses?
  4. Are you able to complete the task you accomplished previously?
  5. Are you capable of doing any other form of work?

If it is impossible to execute their job after considering all factors such as age, education, previous work experience, and transferable skills, it will be considered a disability. The claim will be disallowed if it is to undertake other tasks.

Many of Social Security’s choices about what constitutes a disability are based on information from the Blue Book of Impairments. While this is a thorough list, you may be eligible for SSD payments if you have a condition that isn’t included. You only need to provide extensive information regarding your ailment to persuade Social Security that you fit the SSD criteria.

About Author

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an expert web content writer and freelancer who is an expert in writing engaging articles in Business, General, Social Media, Tech, and Marketing and many more other categories. He has been serving our website for a few years. Andrew is a family man. When he isn’t writing, he loves to cook for his kids and spend time with them.

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