Social Media

How To Boost Your Instagram Stories Viewers For Free

  • August 20, 2024
  • 5 min read
How To Boost Your Instagram Stories Viewers For Free

If you are an Instagram regular user, you must already know that this platform entertains more than half a billion users with IG stories. Instagram’s content circulates among global audiences through Instagram stories. They help you attract maximum followers and engage with your targeted audiences effortlessly.

If you are a beginner in content creation, it can be challenging to beat the competition and attract maximum story viewers. If you also want to know how to get more views on your Instagram stories, this blog post will surely cut through the confusion. Today, we will analyze how to attract more viewers to your Instagram stories. So, Stay Hooked!

How Do The Viewers Get Ranked in the IG Story Viewers List?

Instagram algorithms let you obtain the first 50 views in chronological order. Your Initial Instagram story viewers get ranked with the “first come, first served” rule. However, once you surpass 50 viewers, Instagram algorithms rank your top interactive story viewers the most. The ones who like or double-tap on a story get top ranking in your top viewers list.   

Audience Interaction Is The Key

You must engage with your followers and audience to attract maximum Instagram story viewers. Instagram algorithms rank your stories in the suggestion story rows of followers who react to your stories and tap conversation into the DMs more often. So, put more engaging stickers in your stories to promote social interaction with your followers on Instagram and boost your story viewers organically. You can also view Instagram stories anonymously of your competitors to get more inspiration for interacting with your followers.    

Essential Elements You Must Add To Your Stories

Instagram stories can be your ladder to stand out on the platform, enjoy a powerful online presence, and beat the competition. IG stories also help you promote your underrated reels and posts and earn you more views on them. Below, I have listed a few essential elements that can help you attract more Instagram story viewers. 


Instagram boomerangs are short video clips that play on a loop with back-and-forward effects. They are one of the trending templates on Instagram nowadays; uploading your everyday life moments in boomerang short clips will make your stories more catchy.    


Question Answers Stickers are a great way to get chatty with your followers by letting them approach you. This interactive sticker also helps you get your followers’ opinions and know which content is doing better.    


The Polls sticker feature helps you host short game sessions on your stories to boost your audience engagement. Your followers can choose between the options or vote for their favorite type of content on your insta page that helps you improve and promotes your social interaction.  

BTS Shots

If you are an influencer or hosting an Instagram shop for promoting your brand products, then going behind the scenes in your IG stories can increase the authenticity of your brand. You can also share the upcoming discounts or sale offers on your stories to tempt the customers in advance and get more orders.     


Short tutorials help you attract more organic reach as they educate your audience, and informative content always gets a quick ranking in the SEO. You can promote your short tutorial on your stories; it will help you get more followers.     

Close Friend Feature  

Have you ever noticed that while swiping through stories, you prefer to tap on the stories with green circles being curious? The close friend feature is a quick hack that will help you evoke curiosity, earn more loyal followers, and enhance the audience engagement of your page.


Hashtags are your secret weapon to drive Instagram algorithms according to your desired results and boost your reach. Always try to upload trending, diverse, and unique content on your feed and Instagram stories. You should not hesitate to experiment with your content according to ongoing trends. Add trending hashtags in your stories to get more impressions on your IG profile, more views on reels with stories, and grow your fan following.  

Gramvio Instagram Story Viewer

You can readily boost your Instagram story viewers by adding the above essential elements in your Instagram stories to get more views. However, seeking inspiration and watching your competitors’ stories can also help you get ideas for creating engaging content for your stories. You can try Gramvio Instagram Story Viewer to stalk competitors, spot ongoing trends, and get ideas from Instagram. 

Your competitors will never know you have watched their content as Gramvio conceals your user activity from them. This tool works for free and helps you download IG stories in your device’s gallery with no watermarks. You can watch stories anytime without any fear of them disappearing after 24 hours. This user-friendly tool works for free online and responds to all diverse devices.     

Wrap Up   

Instagram is a platform full of great opportunities for all influencers, content creators, designers, and brands. However, it’s always tricky for beginners to beat the online competition and stand out. Instagram stories can help you boost your audience engagement and attract more followers. Today, we explored how to boost your Instagram stories viewers and enjoy more social interaction.

About Author

Clara James

Clara James is a passionate content creator with a flair for crafting insightful and engaging articles. With a degree in Communications from Columbia University, she excels in turning complex topics into compelling narratives. Clara's work reflects her dedication to excellence and her goal of sparking meaningful conversations. She is committed to delivering content that educates, inspires, and resonates with her diverse audience.

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