
Video Marketing for Businesses in 2024

  • April 26, 2024
  • 6 min read
Video Marketing for Businesses in 2024

For years video has been a game-changer in the world of marketing. Factors like easy access to smartphones and the internet have made video the most preferred form of content.

Brands were quick to analyze consumer trends and adapt to them. With that, small and large businesses all started taking to videos to strike a chord with their target group.

The coronavirus pandemic brought forth a series of unprecedented challenges. For brands, video marketing was a major tool that allowed them to survive the twists and turns of the global pandemic.

With the social distancing norms in place, most people took to spending more time online. In such a situation, digital advertisements were the best way to connect with the audience.

In 2024, as the world adjusts to the new normal and things start to open up, video marketing continues to hold the central stage. While the world was battling a crisis, most businesses had to stall their operations.

However, even in such a situation, the usage of video marketing saw an improvement. While 85% of businesses invested in video marketing in 2019, the figure rose to 86% in 2024. In the coming days, we expect a major boost in these figures with video advertising.

The overall money spent on video marketing also underwent a significant improvement. While the future of video marketing does look promising, let us have a look at the biggest marketing trends of 2024.

Instagram Video

As of 2024, Instagram has over 800 million monthly active users, and 250 million users post Stories every day. This presents marketers with a wonderful opportunity to present their products.

Other than the regular feed videos and stories, IGTV is an alternative platform for Instagram marketing videos.

The latest features of IGTV let you post videos in horizontal mode. As Instagram and IGTV are interlinked, the videos that you post on IGTV will be visible to your Instagram followers.

That way, you can leverage your Instagram fan following and make the most of video marketing. With such integrations and the addition of new features, we expect that the popularity of Instagram videos will rise in the world of digital marketing.

LinkedIn Video Marketing Trends

LinkedIn Video Marketing Trends

Modern times are one of super specialization, and LinkedIn provides the best platform to present your business in a professional world. Studies show that 2 out of every 3 marketers intend to use LinkedIn from 2024 onwards.

Although the platform allows you to post videos that are up to 30 minutes long, shorter videos are more likely to grab the audience’s attention.

There are a lot of creative video-making ideas that you can explore on LinkedIn. For example, how-to videos are a good fit for situations when you want to present a new product to a professional network. A simple video that tells your brand story is ideal when you are launching a new business venture.

Video in B2B Businesses

In 2024, most businesses have millennials in decision-making positions. In such a situation, video is no longer the exclusive privilege of visual businesses such as hospitality or fashion.

Studies show that 72% of B2B buyers admitted to watching videos while making business decisions. As younger demographics are getting prepared to take over business leadership positions, video marketing will grow in importance.

In such a situation, B2B businesses that are eyeing growth need to focus on being authentic. Simply giving the client a dull product demo will not suffice.

Businesses need to give ample emphasis to client satisfaction as well. You need to understand that the new generation of business leaders gives a lot of importance to reviews and video advertising.

Studies show that 69% of millennials will engage in a business post if they are satisfied clients. Such engagements will help in attracting potential customers.

Understand that when you use video to port a product on the B2B scene, you give a realistic picture of what to expect. That way, only the clients who are interested in your product will come to you.

Make the Most of TikTok

TikTok is a relatively new player in the social media scene and already boasts 800 million+ users. Here, users are encouraged to upload short videos for up to 60 seconds.

The platform lets common people get the spotlight on them to express their creativity. While younger people dominate the platform, brands were quick to use it for promotional purposes.

Many brands create hashtag challenges on TikTok where they encourage their followers to create videos with their products. When people participate in such challenges, they endorse your brand in their circles.

Further, multiple people creating videos on a given hashtag causes it to become viral and gives you better digital visibility.

As a platform, TikTok encourages video advertising and lets you post in-feed ads and TopView ads. Branded takeovers and branded filters are some of the other forms of video-based advertising on TikTok.

Considering that the average engagement level of TikTok posts is 52.1%, it is significantly higher than that of most other platforms. That way, brands that choose to invest in TikTok video marketing can expect a good ROI on their investment.

Video in Social Media

As of 2024, 58% of consumers check out a brand’s social media presence before visiting the website. That is why your marketing team should focus on the visual appeal of your posts across platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, and others. While it is acceptable to have a preferred platform, ensure that you have an updated presence on all the popular platforms.

While cross-promoting your content across the different platforms, try to optimize it for the current platform. You need to alter factors like the video length, aspect ratio, etc while preparing your content for social media.

Video is the most addictive form of content. Considering that the modern consumer finds videos to be the most engaging, brands need to focus on the quality of content.

With 54% of consumers eager to see video content from the brands that they support, the future of video marketing looks promising.

Benefits of Video Marketing For Businesses

An effective marketing strategy can provide your business with numerous benefits By reading video advertising you can get an idea of why video marketing is so powerful. Below are some of them discussed:

  • Impressive Brand Awareness: Videos are excellent at increasing brand awareness, which is an important component of your marketing strategy. You can use video to tell a company’s story, conduct employee interviews, and share behind-the-scenes footage.
  • Improved Engagement: Videos have a very high social sharing potential. Social videos receive 1200% more shares than text and images combined. Meanwhile, videos on a Facebook page boost user engagement by 33 percent. Simply including the word “video” in the subject line can increase the open rate of your email by 13%.

Improved Customer Connection: Videos can help your company improve its customer service and build trust with potential clients. When other people speak directly to one another, the average person finds it simpler to relate to them.

About Author

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an expert web content writer and freelancer who is an expert in writing engaging articles in Business, General, Social Media, Tech, and Marketing and many more other categories. He has been serving our website for a few years. Andrew is a family man. When he isn’t writing, he loves to cook for his kids and spend time with them.

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