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6 Important Pieces of Advice To Help You With Your Mobile Marketing Campaign

  • March 18, 2024
  • 6 min read
6 Important Pieces of Advice To Help You With Your Mobile Marketing Campaign

In this day and age, most people are on their phones all day long, which is why more brands are choosing mobile marketing to communicate and engage with their customers. Mobile marketing has revolutionized the marketing and business world, and it has been very effective. This type of marketing has allowed marketers to research what kind of products and services their customers use so they can tailor their offers to the customer’s needs. Now, customers can learn about discounts and special offers simply by receiving an SMS rather than having to search for this kind of information or missing a sale or an offer altogether. If you are in the business world, you should be following all the new trends and mobile marketing is certainly one of these trends that you should take advantage of. If you are planning a new mobile marketing campaign then keep reading to find ideas to help you out with your campaign.

1. Keep Things Simple

It is very important to keep things simple when you are sending messages or communicating with your customers. You have to keep in mind that although people are spending more and more time on their phones every day, their attention span is getting shorter. This is why it is very important to keep your mobile marketing messages short, clear, and to the point. Keeping things simple will allow the information you are communicating to your customer to be consumed easily. You should get rid of any unnecessary details that will not add any valuable information or help you get your message across. Simply keep the essentials, and get rid of the rest. If you send long messages to your customers, they won’t bother reading them and may even opt-out from receiving more messages from you. You should also make your opener exciting like starting with a fun greeting to grab their attention.

2. Use Texting Etiquette

There is a certain text etiquette that every business should follow when they send messages to customers; you shouldn’t bombard your customers with text messages. It can be tempting to want to update your customers about every offer, promotion, or piece of news but it isn’t a good idea to overdo it. People who receive many text messages will eventually start ignoring these messages and may even block the service. It is better to schedule the texts and send them only when necessary and limit how many messages you send to a specific number of people. According to the good people at, you should also add a personal touch when you text your clients so they would engage with the message and respond quickly. Remember to send messages at appropriate times so your consumer doesn’t feel that they got trapped for subscribing. If you text your consumers at inappropriate times they will feel like you are being intrusive and unprofessional. Make sure to only text during business hours so your consumers don’t feel resentful and eventually discontinue the service.

3. Make It Relevant

You have to make sure that what you communicate to your customers through your mobile marketing text messages add value to their experience and is relevant to your brand. Naturally, you want to please your customers so it is preferred to send them offers, coupons, or promotions that will interest them. When you provide the consumer with useful information and offers, you will raise their level of anticipation and they will be excited to receive messages from you. As a brand, you should always ask yourself how you can add value to your consumers without being intrusive.

4. Ask For Permission

You can’t simply purchase a mass database of phone numbers and start sending text messages as this can result in you paying a huge fine and other penalties. Just like with emails there is a subscription option, the same can be done with text messages to get the customer’s permission before sending anything to them. This way you’ll send messages to an audience who will appreciate this type of messaging and you will also avoid irritating the people who don’t. In order to grow your list of customers, you can provide a keyword that they can use and send it to a short code so they would get alerts for deals and promotions.

5. Unsubscribe Option

Normally you don’t want your subscribers to opt-out of receiving any notifications from you. However, you have to make it easy for them to unsubscribe if they decide to change their minds later. Having the option to unsubscribe will encourage more people to sign up for your services because they know that they have the choice to opt-out whenever they want to. You can provide them with a link to click on in case they want to unsubscribe or they can reply to your message with the word “STOP”.

6. Create an Application

Unsubscribe Option

Applications or apps have become a huge part of people’s everyday lives and users turn to them on a daily basis. Apps are slowly becoming an important part of mobile marketing strategies. Customers can use apps for whatever service you provide. For example, if you sell any kind of product, you can create a shopping app where you provide all your products for your customer to choose from. This will not only make their shopping experience easier and faster but you can get a user-customized selection of recommendations based on the customer’s interest. You can also use the app to notify them of the new releases and offers. Some businesses provide in-app chats so the customers can chat with customer service if they face any problems.

Mobile phones have become essential to people like clothes and shoes they wear, meaning that they can’t go anywhere or do anything without them. Smart marketing is doing everything to reach your potential customers and to make things easier for them. Make sure that your communication style is appropriate, the content is simple and to the point, and it’s easy for your customer to subscribe and unsubscribe to the service whenever they want.

About Author

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an expert web content writer and freelancer who is an expert in writing engaging articles in Business, General, Social Media, Tech, and Marketing and many more other categories. He has been serving our website for a few years. Andrew is a family man. When he isn’t writing, he loves to cook for his kids and spend time with them.

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