
What to Look for in a Webinar Platform

  • March 18, 2024
  • 5 min read
What to Look for in a Webinar Platform

Webinars are critical to a business’s success, it’s used for so many important things that can help a business grow effectively, these things include but are not limited to building and promoting a brand, attracting new leads, connecting and interacting with your audience, boosting sales, and even more so building authority by sharing high-quality informative contents.

Now, searching for a suitable webinar platform to meet your business need is as critical as hosting a successful webinar. Before you go on searching for the right webinar platform, you have to set your goals clear.

You have to consider things like the number of people attending your webinar, how many webinar events you plan to host, how important is mobile reach, are branding and customization important? Etc. Factoring all these, this is all the more reason it’s recommended you select a webinar platform you can bank on to meet your goals long term.

So, once you outline what your goals are for your webinar program, you need to take all of these into consideration;

  • Branding

Branding is an important part of a business and you must select a webinar platform that allows you to promote your brand effectively. This is the reason webinar specialists at recommend you select a platform that allows you, add your logo, signatures, brand colors, etc. Some webinars platforms allow full brand customization, whilst others don’t.

  • Your target audience

When choosing a webinar platform, you should have your target audience in mind, let’s say for instance your target audience consists of fairly older or older people, you should use a webinar platform that’s easy to use, and if your target audience is younger people, you should use a webinar platform that can easily be integrated with social media and that’s compatible with mobile devices.

  • Automated marketing and CRM system integration

As a business owner who knows the value of marketing in a business, you should choose or select a webinar platform that supports integrated marketing tools, or even more select a webinar platform that supports CRM systems to get leads and convert them into sales.

  • Consider your budget

It’s very possible to spend more than what you budgeted when you use some webinar platform, so it’s nice you select a webinar platform that has the option of a free plan, so you familiarize yourself with the platform, and if there is a need for an upgrade, upgrade your plan. This is important, so you don’t end up paying for features you don’t need.

  • Select a platform that allows recording

When you send an invite to people for a webinar, it’s normal that not everyone attends, and you may lose out on potential leads. The best way to solve this problem is by selecting a webinar platform that allows recording, this enables those who missed out on the live webinar to watch the recorded video, and more so you can even create a library of recorded webinars, so people can have access to watch anytime they want to.

  • Behavior tracking of attendees

A webinar platform that enables you to get leads based on the behavior of attendees is important, select a webinar platform that tracks attendees’ behavior – like questions asked by attendees, pool answers, file download, etc. With this, it’s easier for the sales team to increase conversion.

  • Tracking of engagements

Measuring engagements during a webinar is very important, and the reason is when you track overall engagement, you can easily improve the presentation of the webinar, also you can even track individual engagement and see how you can generate valuable leads for sale.

  • Video and audio quality

We all know how people dislike low-quality videos and audios, so a webinar should offer high-quality video and audio. Hence selecting a webinar platform that supports high definition video, without any form of video lagging should be a priority, even more so, the audio quality should be high definition. This allows the attendees to enjoy the webinar well enough.

  • A secure webinar platform

A secure webinar platform is highly important to protect the data of the attendees, taking time to understand if a webinar platform can encrypt data easily is an important factor to consider when choosing a webinar platform. A standard webinar platform should have systems in place to secure stored data.

There are lots of things to consider when choosing a webinar platform but one important thing you should know is that you need a suitable webinar platform that suits your business needs, compare your options and choose the one that fits your business needs well enough.

Finally, other factors to consider when choosing a webinar platform includes; selecting a webinar platform that can fit all your audience, also you should select a webinar platform that has useful analytics tools, so you can get valuable insight and information about your attendees or audience, and also one that has registration functionality.

About Author

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an expert web content writer and freelancer who is an expert in writing engaging articles in Business, General, Social Media, Tech, and Marketing and many more other categories. He has been serving our website for a few years. Andrew is a family man. When he isn’t writing, he loves to cook for his kids and spend time with them.

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