
7 Great Ways to Learn Stock Trading

  • March 15, 2024
  • 6 min read
7 Great Ways to Learn Stock Trading

By now, you must have come across the hype about stock trading, and how it is considered an easy way to earn an extra buck. Well, this is partially true because expert investors in the stock market are some of the most successful people on the planet. However, the word expert tells it all. It takes time, strategy, patience, and experience before you get to their level. Success in stock trading is rarely an overnight occurrence.

Moreover, it is a game where you lose or win depending on whether or not you played your cards right. It requires a great deal of resilience because losses are not uncommon. You need to analyze and understand your risks before making an investment. You need to keep abreast of the changes in the stock market and the economy at large while gathering data that will help you obtain meaningful forecasts.

Furthermore, losing all or a big portion of your hard-earned money in minutes is the last thing you want. This is why you should learn first before diving into trading stocks from your savings or checking account. It is also why in this piece, we cover a few great ways to learn stock trading.

1. Get a Mentor (Or Utilize Technology)

In this case, a mentor is someone with a good understanding and experience in the stock market. It can be your friend, family, or public figure who offers great trading tips. It could also mean hiring a financial advisor to guide you through a bunch of your first trades. Nonetheless, you need to choose carefully when finding a stock trading mentor. You don’t want someone with a continuous streak of losses guiding you. They should also be able to answer your questions and provide you with the guidance you need.

The caveat in hiring financial advisors is that these guys can be overly expensive at times. Especially for beginner traders, it makes more sense to utilize technological tools for informed decisions when trading stocks and features. In a recent mindful trader review article, Mindful Trader comes out as the ideal tool for beginner traders who would rather not use financial advisors. The trade alert service allows busy traders and newbies access to mindful tips they can use to maximize their investment when trading stocks. With such a tool, you don’t have to be a full-time trader to realize significant gains from your investment. It was designed by Eric Ferguson, a renowned success story in the world of stock trading.

2. Open a (Demo) Account

This may seem like you are diving into the ocean headfirst but it isn’t. With various brokers out there, it is necessary to choose the one you are comfortable with. Each platform has its own advantages. Some have good trading tools while others offer the best research. Choose one and open the account. It is easier to learn when you are aware of what you are dealing with. However, do not invest your money yet. Most brokers offer demo accounts or virtual trading. This allows you to trade with play money as you get acquainted with the market and get exposure.

3. Read Stock Trading Books

This will get an eye roll from some people, but it is essential. There are many trading books in the market, so search for the top 10 and choose from there. Remember, in books, lies a great wealth of knowledge. If the sight of books lowers your morale, do not give up yet. There are e-courses and online lectures as well. However, reading a book is better since you can highlight important points. Therefore, get that book and learn from the experts in the field.

4. Consider Paid Subscription

While reading is a great source of knowledge, not everyone can follow without dozing off. If you learn best through observation, you should consider paid subscription. With this, you get to observe professionals do the picks and perform trading. Observing them also gives you an idea of what influences their picks. Nevertheless, be sure to do your research before paying for a subscription. There are various trading scammers online waiting to take advantage of a naïve learner. Some of them will even pay people to write good reviews.

5. Learn From Successful Investors

Every successful investor has a story to tell. In most cases, it is a story of failure, resilience, and final triumph. If you are learning to trade or have tried and given up, these are the people to watch. They are full of motivation and inspiration that will keep your spirit up. Getting hints of do’s and don’ts’ from their experience will give you a good start off. A few ways you can learn from successful investors include:

  • Online search
  • YouTube tutorials
  • Reaching out via social media
  • Attending trading seminars

With these, you can get out and become the next investor to watch by learning from the work of your predecessors.

6. Follow the Stock Market

You cannot invest in what you are unaware of. By following economic trends and the stock performance of various holders, you are equipping yourself. Spend some minutes of your day watching business news or third-party analysis of the stock market. Sites like CNBC, Wall Street Journal, and The Market Watch will provide you with trading insight. Check out for helpful headlines and learn the trading lingo used. Over time, you will know what to soak in and what is just mere entertainment. Learn about profitable stocks to invest in at your comfort.

7. Start Trading

After you have soaked in all the knowledge, it is time to test the waters. If you are too skeptical, do not rush into it. Continue using the stock simulator and virtual money until you are confident. Once you are ready, start small. This is a new experience so do not put all your eggs in one basket. You can use as little as $5 to start off. There is no shame in experimenting first. If you lack money discipline, this can be a bit challenging. You can set aside cash for trading and avoid adding to it. In trading, you do not risk what you are not willing to lose. Therefore don’t go placing odds with your rent money or school fees. Once you are sure of your capabilities, only then should you risk a bigger amount.

At this point, it is clear that stock trading is not a walk in the park. You should be willing to put in the work to reap good benefits. Following your gut feeling is not enough in trading either. You have to learn and be able to analyze market trends for a successful trading career. If daily trading scares you, follow Warren Buffet’s advice of Buy and Hold till the market is favorable. With that said, let us soak in the knowledge and get into trading.

About Author

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an expert web content writer and freelancer who is an expert in writing engaging articles in Business, General, Social Media, Tech, and Marketing and many more other categories. He has been serving our website for a few years. Andrew is a family man. When he isn’t writing, he loves to cook for his kids and spend time with them.

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