Social Media

The Secret to Creating Viral Instagram Reels

  • March 20, 2024
  • 4 min read
The Secret to Creating Viral Instagram Reels

If you like chillaxing while scrolling through endless strings of Instagram Reels, you know how addictive these short videos are. In fact, their entertaining content has inspired thousands of folks to create their own vids! If you also want to become a Reel creator, the six tips we’re about to give to you will help your videos go viral!

6 Tips to Make Your Instagram Reels Go Viral

Launched to overthrow TikTok, Instagram Reels quickly became the favorite advertising tool of many. Some of the videos made quite an impression, while others didn’t really capture the public’s attention. In the following lines, you’ll learn what separates the first ones from the second and possibly upload your first viral reel!

  • Choose Your Niche, and Grab Your Audience’s Attention

The first thing you need to do to go viral on Instagram is to choose a niche topic and post stuff related to it. Make sure you create posts regularly and keep your audience engaged! Once you’ve picked a niche, the platform will start showing your content to people who might be interested.

Whichever topic you focus on, add a personal touch to your posts and make them entertaining. Let’s face it – most people like watching fun, interesting reels! Therefore, try to hook potential followers in the first few seconds of your videos!

  • Make Sure The Video Size Is Right, and Remove TikTok Watermarks

The vids you put on Instagram should also be the right size. For best results, make sure you upload vertically recorded vids that are 1080 x 1920 pixels in size. Only then will your viewers be able to watch them at maximum resolution!

Furthermore, Reels was launched in the first place – to gain a competitive advantage over TikTok! That said, exclude TikTok’s watermarks and anything else that has to do with the platform from your vids, so the Insta algorithm positions them well.

  • Add Some Middle-Centered Text in Your Reel

Did you know that more than 80% of Instagram users prefer scrolling through the videos on the app with the sound off? That sounds like a good reason to add a few lines of text in your reels, just in case!

Apart from that, people with hearing difficulties will have an easier time enjoying your content that’s ‘readable!’ By being more inclusive, you’ll attract diverse audiences and expand your reach! However, put the text in the center of your vid to avoid it being cut off.

  • Encourage Interaction, and Use Trending Elements

Encouraging your audience to interact with your vids and considering their preferences is a perfect way to understand people’s opinions and impressions. However, we’re not saying you should cease creating the content you like. It’s about presenting it in appealing ways.

Also, don’t forget to keep up with the latest trends in Insta challenges and songs! By adding viral elements to videos, you can increase the chance of them growing in popularity! Still, embrace only those trending video embellishments that match your content’s topic!

  • Use Hashtags, and Create Custom Reel Covers

Using hashtags in your videos is important, but you should choose them carefully. Due to stiff competition, the super-popular ones won’t always help your clips go viral! However, the right ones will aid Insta’s algorithm in identifying the type of content you upload.

Apart from hashtags, creating a custom reel cover for your videos will help them stand out and increase their chance of going viral. In this case, an image is worth a thousand words, indeed! The cover will also give cohesion to your profile.

  • Publish Your Video At The Right Time, and Share It

Knowing the best time for publishing your videos will increase your engagement rate. People don’t spend the same amount of time on Instagram during different parts of the day! Therefore, treat your audience to your content when they’re most available!

Also, share your videos in your feed and stories once you’re done creating them. This way, you’ll increase your reel’s visibility, and your followers won’t miss out on your posts! Remember that the more content you create, the higher the chances of your vids trending!

  • Get Yourself a Proxy!

Expanding your reach might be helpful if you’re just starting your reel journey. Unfortunately, Instagram allows people to manage no more than five accounts from one IP address, and that might seem limiting. Proxies are a great loophole in situations like these! To avoid this one and similar restrictions, consider getting some residential proxies from IPRoyal. Happy Reel-ing!

About Author

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an expert web content writer and freelancer who is an expert in writing engaging articles in Business, General, Social Media, Tech, and Marketing and many more other categories. He has been serving our website for a few years. Andrew is a family man. When he isn’t writing, he loves to cook for his kids and spend time with them.

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