
How To Deal With The Aftermath Of Getting Injured The Responsible Way

  • March 18, 2024
  • 6 min read
How To Deal With The Aftermath Of Getting Injured The Responsible Way

People don’t have abilities to foresee future events and accidents tend to happen when least expected. Would it be any different if we could predict things? As incredible as it may seem, the majority of people who have been hurt in car, pedestrian, or slip and fall accidents, or become victims of malpractice or animal attacks, do not say that if they knew about the mishap they’d simply stay home and spend the whole day in bed. No, those people say that they’d behave differently not before but after the accident, especially when it comes to dealing with its aftermath.

Indeed, many victims of car wrecks and other serious accidents sincerely believe they have a strong backing in the form of their insurance companies. Focused on the treatment of injuries and the rehabilitation process, they have no time nor nerves to think of the stacks of medical bills. In fact, they are pretty sure that soon they will get fair compensation and all the expenses paid. Unfortunately, it is rarely the case because insurance companies don’t hurry to offer clients the compensation they deserve, trying to close the deal with the least possible settlement.

If you are going through hard times, struggling not only with a serious injury but also with huge medical bills, lost wages, and other negative consequences of the accident, here is how to handle the situation most responsibly and advantageously.

Schedule A Free Consultation With An Injury Lawyer

Regardless of whether you’ve just been involved in a car crash or become a victim of dental malpractice, make sure to get in touch with a renowned injury lawyer as soon as possible. As already said, nobody can know the time and place of the eventual mishap, that’s why it is wise to add to your phone address book a contact number of a trustworthy firm located in your area.

It’s crucial to find a firm where you can get help 24/7 and where the initial consultation is free. The latter actually is not a problem because even such a famous law firm as Warnett Hallen gives free, no-obligation consultations. By the way, their website is a treasure trove of useful information on different topics related to smart behavior immediately after accidents, as well as to the ins and out of injury claims and other important subjects. The general advice is not to speak to the insurance company adjusters and other interested parties before discussing everything with a lawyer you can trust.

Make Sure Accident Investigation Is Comprehensive

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been involved in a car collision or become a victim of medical malpractice, you have to make sure that your accident is subject to a thorough investigation, of course, if you count on getting the compensation you deserve. Let’s face it, your local police department has to deal with a myriad of various accidents on a daily basis, therefore it’s naïve to think they will pay special attention to what happened to you. Even if they do have a genuine interest in your case, they simply don’t have enough time and resources to go into the details.

On the other side, you need a police report with all those important details that will help prove you’re not at fault and your case has a strong legal base. Statements of witnesses or people who have been directly or indirectly involved in the accident are also part of the plot, the fact they should be taken immediately or within the shortest possible time after the mishap is self-explanatory. In the case of a car crash, it is also important to take pictures or videos because they will remain an additional source of evidence long after the event itself.

Never Refuse Or Delay Medical Help

Never Refuse Or Delay Medical Help

People often refuse or delay medical help because they feel good right after the accident and this is one of the biggest mistakes since a great many injuries may take hours or even days to start manifest symptoms. Another important thing is not to tell your insurance company, the police, or other people at the scene that what happened is not a big deal and you are not injured. First of all, it’s just your subjective feeling, which has not to be true. Secondly, it doesn’t make any sense to give the other side an advantage from the very outset. The bottom line is, it’s awesome if you feel well but keep this piece of info until you are 100% sure you haven’t been hurt. Explain to doctors what happened and let them perform all the necessary examinations.

Do Not Admit Your Fault

It’s natural for people to have a need to speak with someone when they are shocked, upset, nervous, and unsure of what to do next. However, be very careful about what you say to other people at the accident scene including the police officers. Needless to say, admitting your fault even if it’s just quiet I’m sorry is a no-no. You have to be polite, you are free to inquire about the health of other drivers, passengers, or pedestrians but under no circumstances should you apologize for a wreck or in any way admit that it was your fault. It’s hard not to be emotive at such moments but sticking to the facts is a much better option that can save you a lot of trouble later on.

If your insurance company has no intention to offer you a fair settlement that will cover not only property damage and medical bills you already have but also future expenses on rehabilitation, as well as lost wages or loss of job, do not wait too long with filing a claim. Of course, you won’t be able to deal with it on your own, hence make sure to find the right lawyer to fight for your rights. Truly serious injuries can negatively affect the rest of your life, that’s why it’s important to take into account all eventual long-term costs. Do not settle for something that doesn’t offer you full coverage of all current and future expenses.

About Author

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an expert web content writer and freelancer who is an expert in writing engaging articles in Business, General, Social Media, Tech, and Marketing and many more other categories. He has been serving our website for a few years. Andrew is a family man. When he isn’t writing, he loves to cook for his kids and spend time with them.

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