
Instagram Posts Vs. Instagram Stories: Which is Better for Your Business

  • May 3, 2024
  • 4 min read
Instagram Posts Vs. Instagram Stories: Which is Better for Your Business

Have you ever found yourself confused when it’s time to post photos on your business account, wondering whether it will benefit your business if you upload them to the feed or story? If you’re also not sure which feature of Instagram is better for your business, you should read this article first.

Instagram has numerous features that make a huge contribution to the success of small businesses. It can help you take your online business to the next level. But, you must know which IG feature can benefit you more, either story or feed. 

In this article, we will discuss difference between Instagram posts and Instagram stories and which is better for your business. So, let’s get to the point quickly so you don’t have to wait.

The Significant Difference Between Instagram Posts and Stories

Significant Difference Between Instagram Posts and Stories

There are significant differences between these two features of Instagram. Below, we have discussed them so you can learn more about them!

  • Instagram posts appear in your news feed, while stories appear at the top of the home page of your account. This is the difference that causes high and low engagement rates.
  • Instagram stories disappeared after 24 hours but a few people added them to highlight and preserve them. In contrast, posts are permanent, and anyone can view them on your profile.
  • Instagram stories have numerous built-in editing features that can attract viewers’ attention. Unfortunately, IG posts don’t have such features.
  • You can add a lengthy caption to your posts and also add hashtags. However, you can’t do this on the story feature because of their appearance.

When To Use Instagram Stories

There are perfect times and situations when you should use Instagram stories and Instagram posts. Here, we will discuss when you use Instagram stories with examples.

Flast Sales

If you want to tell your followers about your sale and get them excited about it, you must go with Instagram stories. Numerous built-in features of IG stories can make your content appealing and enchanting. You can add your website’s link with stickers and arrows. Moreover, you can also run quiz-based contests to engage your followers.

Latest and Breaking News

Since stories disappear after 24 hours, it would be better to use them when you want to update recent and breaking news. You can easily inform your followers and potential followers about recent news of their interest.

When to Use Instagram Posts

Product Information

Tutorials, core product guides, and product information should stay in the post feature. It will be helpful for users to find information on specific products even after days, weeks, and even years.

Brand Awareness

Posts are appropriate for highlighting business milestones, significant company events, and core brand information.

Team Photos

Your team’s photos in your profile post grid can make a good impression on visitors. They will surely love to see them and believe your company’s presence is authentic. 

Gramvio.Net For Instagram Posts & Stories

Gramvio Instagram Posts downloader

Gramvio is reliable website that lets users download Instagram posts and Stories without restrictions. It has numerous Instagram downloaders, including an Instagram post viewer and an Instagram story downloader. You can visit this Gramvio instagram Downloader and download IG photos and videos from public Instagram accounts.

Final Thoughts

You should use both Instagram stories and posts in your content strategy. These two features have their own values in the world of Instagram business. In this article, we have discussed every detail about IG posts and stories for your knowledge. I hope you will now be more familiar with them and know when to use them to get better engagement rates. 

About Author

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an expert web content writer and freelancer who is an expert in writing engaging articles in Business, General, Social Media, Tech, and Marketing and many more other categories. He has been serving our website for a few years. Andrew is a family man. When he isn’t writing, he loves to cook for his kids and spend time with them.

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