
People share forty conspiracy theories that are too illogical

  • March 21, 2024
  • 8 min read
People share forty conspiracy theories that are too illogical

As we know a large part of our daily experience is shared on the internet. We all believe in that theories if they are right or not because we all feel that it is true because someone is facing this situation. We are analyzing, thinking, and evaluating all the things and information we read and hear because we all want to experience these things even we are not properly aware of them. In the past few years, we have all seen conspiracy theories related to 5G and covid. These all conspiracies even they are big or small attract the people and they want to experience these all events in their daily life.

When we read the newspaper then we must know about it this world is full of multiple processes. So this is common if you hear different pieces of news and events every day.

Not every time the news and theories are right because everything that comes on the internet is with some salt. So don’t trust this news. Do your work with a full mindset never fully trust the news and theories on the internet.

Now we talk about some conspiracy theories that come on the internet;

There are some theories in which female celebrities that are too famous in acting were included in the blacklist. Because they are refused to sleep with producers and directors. This conspiracy theory about female celebrities comes on the internet. Some people said that it is a true theory but some celebrities said that it is wrong.

female celebrities


David Miscavige

David Miscavige who is chairman of the church of Scientology murdered his wife and then get off the Scott free for it. He and his wife get into an argument and then she disappeared after that in 2007. Lawyers hired by David and he claims that she is still alive and doing work at the church of Scientology is the main reason for being disappearance since August 2007. In 2013, a member of the church Scientology reported a case in which some missing persons are present. In these missing persons the name of his wife is also present. So it is true that David murdered his wife and cannot admit this reality in front of the public.


fashion industry

The fashion industry makes money from purses that’s why new fashion comes in which pockets are present in the female pants. Now pockets in women’s clothes are easily available so that you cant spend money on purses. This theory is somewhere wrong and illogical.


Art trade

The next theory is about the Art trade. People show different art pieces and then set high prices for them and put these art pieces in the art exhibition so that people attract toward them. But it is money laundering. People put their million dollars art pieces and then sell them to the public at high prices. This is also very illogical theory and ignored by everyone.


laundry detergents

I told to my dad about the conspiracy theory about laundry detergents. I told him the detergent caps have a full line to high the purpose of cleaning. Then he told me it is the true theory the full line gives more cleanliness.


New coke flavor is introduced in the market and then people don’t like its taste because in this coke corn syrup is added and not enough sugar is present. That’s why people demand the old flavor. But the conspiracy theory come on the internet, the new flavor of coke until present in the coke but people didn’t notice and use it as the old flavor coke. This theory s also illogical and has no any concept.


missing cosmonauts

I like this missing cosmonauts theory because it could be possible. This theory is all about space, this theory tells us Yuri Gagarin was not the first person that goes on the space. He was just the first person who survives the whole process.


The FBI murdered Dr. Martin Luther King and somewhere this theory is wrong because the FBI gives a lot of details. And give a lot of evidence to ignore this newses that come on the internet.


One more theory comes on the internet that is about google maps. Google maps users for feedback on its navigation, it wants to know that it did a great job. I use navigation all the time, and I find that whenever I want to tell you about the location of any place from Google Maps. Then I noticed that if google map arrives at the time then I will get a notification about the rating of the app. If google maps do not arrive me at the destination on time then the google app cannot ask me about the rating of the app.



This one theory is small but local, it is ignorable but it is somewhere true because we experience this situation. In our small suburban town, my favorite gas station is going out of business. he retires and sells all the property because having issues under the gas pumps of the grounds. They open up all the gas pumps and keep them in the garage, Mavis bought the new property and open up the new store. After a few days when Mavis opens, someone posts any picture on Facebook or Instagram that is related to nails. Nails spread out all the road and this picture post on social media. The guy gives a theory that an a box of nails fell off from the construction truck. The police immediately come and clean out all the road. After cleaning the road, some days passed then people have been posting day by day their car tyre pictures in which nails were present.

I notice that people just joking about it by just posting that type of picture but one day my father come and tell me our car tyre has also nails. Then I was shocked to see that nails are stuck in the tyres of our car.



Kennedy get elected because he is critical of the CIA his VP turned the cold war into a hot war. this theory is somewhere illogical because his VP takes power and does all decisions by himself.


Princess Diana's car

Princess Diana’s car crash is not true news because another update comes on the internet that is just like that. P.Philip hired someone to get rid of her. Because some secret conversations come out on the internet and this is the true evidence about that car crash is not the reason.


One more theory comes about the vaccine. The anti-vaccine killed many people because it has many adverse effects. Some people tell that it is a wrong theory because they are safe and sound and don’t affect anti-vaccine doses. But some people get affected and also died because of this dosage.


Saturated fats

Saturated fats and cholesterols are not bad for you but the politically ethical scientist whose name is Ancel Keyes spends his career searching on it. Choose 27 countries where he wants to go and started studying them. He chooses countries that are supported by his aims. Wrote a book whose name is Pure White and Deadly. He studies dietary sugars and aware people of their advantages and disadvantages.

According to the new authority of nutritional scientific authorities, dietary sugars are not bad for you and also tell you how you can use them so that it becomes beneficial for everyone. Ancel Keyes also tell that sugars are the source of obesity if we use them in a large amount.


The one more theory come on the internet which is based on the mattress company. Mattress Firm is a drug cartel and money laundering company. Because people have strong pieces of evidences about that. I don’t know where this company is but they are not too good. The company whose owner is doing that type of money laundering doesn’t experience good by their customers.


Trader joe

Trader joe makes his parking center area small so that it looks more unique and well settled. This parking looks nicer and too much popular as compared to other parking. This theory is true but some people disagree with that because they think that short parking creates a lot of problems if a large gathering occurs.


As we know that old people have more experience than young people that’s why they share some experiences with us so that whenever we come in the practical life it would be easier for us. Everyone is using social media and now every person if they have a good or bad experience put their story on Facebook or Instagram. So that other people also notice their opinion and if they want to do the same thing then they must notice your experience.

People put many conspiracy theories on the internet so that you relate these theories to your everyday work. This article contains basic knowledge about some conspiracy theories on the internet that are too illogical and sometimes ignored. But some theories are not noticeable because it is not conceptual. Keep sharing this content with your friends and beloved ones so that they also get an advantage from it. Thank you.

About Author

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an expert web content writer and freelancer who is an expert in writing engaging articles in Business, General, Social Media, Tech, and Marketing and many more other categories. He has been serving our website for a few years. Andrew is a family man. When he isn’t writing, he loves to cook for his kids and spend time with them.

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