
5 Incredibly Useful Instagram Tips For Small Businesses

  • March 21, 2024
  • 7 min read
5 Incredibly Useful Instagram Tips For Small Businesses

According to some estimates, people spend around 147 minutes during the day on social media. With such high numbers, social media marketing has become the most lucrative and by far most effective marketing strategy since the 1950s and the rise of TV commercials. It opened vast opportunities to small businesses trying to climb up the ladder and make a name. Therefore, a suggestion for all businesses starting or struggling is to become more interactive on various social media platforms.

This raises the question, what platforms are most effective in delivering the brand to the public? Well, the platform of your choice is determined by the individual product or service. Furthermore, your desired audience plays a major role in the decision as well. TikTok has proven more appealing to the younger generation, while (surprisingly) Instagram has the best numbers when it comes to the group of young adults, ages 20 to 35. This group is mostly the target of business as well, as they are financially stable and there is a better chance of scoring sales with this group. As they mostly interact via the platform, it is crucial to use it as a tool for boosting sales and spreading brand awareness. But how, you might ask? We will discuss exactly that and go into detail on how to utilize Instagram and enhance your sales and small business prosperity.

Change your profile to a business one

Yes, it does make a great difference as the business profile option comes with a set of different settings more suitable for your needs. It optimizes your sales and allows you to better research products or the services you offer as Instagram gives you a better overview of views, awareness, and how interactive you are on the platform. We’ll list some advantages of changing the profile to business.

Firstly, it appeals more to the masses and makes you look professional. Every business profile should have basic contact information in its short description. Furthermore, it states a clear message, “you are all about business”, and therefore you’ll not confuse your followers with private content from your personal life.

Secondly, you’ll have a better overview of the sales, views, interactions, etc., in other words, you’ll have access to analytics which are crucial in creating a brand. You’ll have an understanding of the reach of your content, the impressions from the public, and what they prefer in terms of posts. You’ll know if you are on the right track or not.

And last but not least, you can take full advantage of advertising. You can promote your products and content via ads. This can extend your reach drastically and you can make use of the algorithm and target a specific audience.

Boost your views

Are you ready to generate some sales now that you’ve set up the account for your business? Well, another important part of utilizing Instagram is working on your views. Why are views important? The short answer is that it shows you how interested the audience is in your product or service. Instagram views are a strong indicator of the success rate of your profile and the engagement of potential customers. There are several ways you can make sure your views are surprisingly well, and here are some:

Keep the name short and simple, thereby making it easier for people to find you by keyword entry. Or in other words, look at what are the most searched words and try to create a name around these words. People are often looking for investing, markets, shoes, glasses, etc. An effective strategy to boost your views is by making the name pop up first or second in the search bar by incorporating some of these words often searched on Instagram, and that way you’ll have a better chance of landing a view and people will notice you. On the other hand, you may focus on the content since, based on it, Instagram will expose you and make you more available to potential clients. This is also easily done by simply categorizing yourself, and making sure the category is in line with your brand and what you have to offer. That way you’ll appeal to more people and you’ll better target the specific group of buyers you are looking after.

Use hashtags, and of course, use stickers to get more views. Your objective is to broaden your reach, therefore you’ll need to find a technique to reach those who aren’t certainly interested but could be interested in your material. One simple trick is using stickers to boost the views of your stories as they generally pop up on people’s search page (or explore page). Similar to that, using hashtags and locations has the same effect and will enhance your chances of reaching out to more people.

Engagement features are one of the best tools Instagram has to offer, as it allows your followers to participate in the whole experience. Questions and quizzes are popular and give you a better overview of how much people are interested in the content you provide.

One last piece of advice is to be persistent in posting the content often and regularly to ensure people are constantly updated on what is going on and whether you have some new products or services to offer. That way you’ll alert them whenever there is any change happening and they’ll feel more engaged.

Boost your views

Make use of all the links

One interesting option is the link in the bio which gives you the chance to redirect your followers to your website, landing page, or other links relevant to your brand and image. It also allows potential costumes to learn more about the product, as you can direct them to an online shop or page where you have more information about the brand and your business. It also boosts your sales as it allows them to purchase the products you have to offer, therefore you’ll use your Instagram account solely to promote and market. And, in general, people are more accustomed to clicking the link in the bio; it also raises awareness, as many consumers have reported that they were unaware of a brand or business before clicking the link, but learned more about it after doing so.

Pin the location

One interesting feature available is geotagging, which enables people to be more aware of the brand and also get to your business easier. What is it exactly? Simply, it is the process of adding your geographical location to media, and therefore whoever is using social media. It adds the location to posts or images so that when someone searches for a location, the videos or photos will appear based on their present location, leading them to you if you are close. You’ll have a better chance of people finding you with less bother and effort if you do it this way.

Create video content with a purpose

The video material might vary depending on the product or service you provide. However, guides are quite popular and have become an obsession of most users. If you happen to offer a specific service, you can make a quick guide on how to use it and when, the same goes for certain products as well. Make-up is probably the easiest product to promote via guides, as you have to include a few tutorials and make sure people are interested in the content. That way you’ll boost your views and following.

These are some helpful hints for making the most of your Instagram account, which offers so many options and opportunities that it nearly appears limitless. It may work wonders for your small business and sales if applied appropriately.

About Author

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an expert web content writer and freelancer who is an expert in writing engaging articles in Business, General, Social Media, Tech, and Marketing and many more other categories. He has been serving our website for a few years. Andrew is a family man. When he isn’t writing, he loves to cook for his kids and spend time with them.

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