
3 Business Ideas You Could Undertake at Home

  • March 18, 2024
  • 4 min read
3 Business Ideas You Could Undertake at Home

Working at home has sort of been the norm for about a year. In a universal move prompted by the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, folks who were able to fulfill various duties remotely were encouraged to do so in order to keep safe.

Many people continue to work at home despite most businesses reopening worldwide. Sadly, though, the pandemic forced plenty of people out of work as well, leaving them to turn to other means.

On a brighter note, a home-based business is always an option for persons who remain out of work or those simply looking to make some extra income. The internet has made things a lot easier on that front and, that said, here are three ideas for opening a business at home.

Freelance Writing/Blogging

Writing on a freelance basis is probably the most common way to earn money working from home. A good writer could make a very decent living writing content from the comfort of just about anywhere they desire. Written content will always be in demand, whether it’s news, the sharing of opinions or one’s expertise, or short stories.

All you would need is a computer, internet connection and a good command of the language you’re going to be writing in. Of course, certificates and other qualifications would help but they are by no means necessary to land a writing job online, though there are employers who require some form of certification.

You don’t need to be an expert at anything either. You could make a business of writing for sites that cater to your favorite hobbies, such as gaming, esports, carpentry, or growing plants – you name it. Huge sports fan? Why not write about your favorite players and teams?

There’s also the option of starting up your own website or blog. A website is pretty easy to create nowadays and, should you not want to do it yourself, you could always find someone to build one for you. Fiverr happens to be a great resource for stuff like that.

Writing itself is a pastime for many people. Why not put it to profitable use?


Freelance Writing/Blogging

A drop shipping is a great option for anyone looking to start a business from home. One of the biggest pros is the fact that you don’t need an inventory or much cash to start up.

Dropshipping is basically fulfilling orders without actually owning the products you sell. You could use retail sites like eBay and Amazon, however, Shopify has taken over as the chief avenue in recent times. You could simply list an item from Amazon in your eBay store or vice versa and you wouldn’t have to purchase the item beforehand as you could just wait until an order is made before purchasing the item from Amazon and having it shipped directly to your customer. A seller never has to handle the product directly.

Sure, you can run into some frustrations, say an item someone has already paid you becomes unavailable. You could always find it elsewhere or simply offer the customer a refund if it isn’t possible. The main thing you’d have to get down is the calculation of fees. You don’t want to dropship a product only to be at a loss in the end. If you could make as little as $5 on an item and can sell consistently, you’re well on your way to being a successful drop shipper.

Social Media

Social media monetization has grown in leaps in bounds over the last few years. You can totally make a business of a YouTube channel or any social media account. Like writing, you could discuss your favorite things. If you can land a sponsor or get a company to send you products for sampling, all the better.

You could also start up a podcast to give an educated opinion on just about anything. Podcasts on sports, wrestling, and video games are especially popular but, as mentioned right above, anything goes. You don’t have to restrict your podcast to a single stream – a sports podcast could also provide betting tips with the help of a sportsbook, a gaming podcast could offer fans tips on the best esports teams to back or tell them how they can get involved with esports themselves.

If you can grow a big enough following, becoming a social media influencer would not be out of your range. A popular Facebook page, Twitter, or Instagram account could make you enough money to never consider seeking conventional employment again. As long as you can build a sizable group of followers or fans, all you have to do is monetize.

About Author

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an expert web content writer and freelancer who is an expert in writing engaging articles in Business, General, Social Media, Tech, and Marketing and many more other categories. He has been serving our website for a few years. Andrew is a family man. When he isn’t writing, he loves to cook for his kids and spend time with them.

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