
Eco-Friendly Rentals: Attracting Environmentally Conscious Tenants

  • March 20, 2024
  • 4 min read
Eco-Friendly Rentals: Attracting Environmentally Conscious Tenants

Are you thinking about renting out your property? Does the environment matter to you? If so, there are things that you can do to attract people who think like you to rent out your property. Not only will making decisions for your home based on the environment help your potential tenants, but it can also help you increase the curbside appeal of your home. Here are some things to think about doing for eco-friendly rentals: 

Consider installing a new HVAC system

Obviously, if you’re trying to do what you can to attract environmentally conscious tenants, you’re doing what you can to find great tenants. You’re probably using screening reports and renter credit checks to make sure you’re getting the right type of tenant in one way, so take it a step further by incorporating things like a new HVAC system to make sure you have the best tenants possible renting your home. 

A smart HVAC system designed to save energy can be a big way that you can help your tenants save money while also helping to conserve energy. While it may mean investing in a new system in your home, if it’s an older one, it may be worth it, both for appealing to great tenants and for improving the value of your home, should you decide to sell it down the road.  

Solar panels are great

Another thing to consider if you own a home that you want to rent out is installing solar panels for energy-saving purposes. In fact, in some states, this could help you save money on your taxes, and it can also improve the resale value of your home. 

Additionally, it can save money for your tenants and appeal to the kind of tenants who care about the environment. As an environmentally conscious individual, it is more than likely that you want to rent to people who align with your values. 

Get a home garden started 

While this may not be possible in every rental scenario, if you have room on your property and a green thumb, get a home garden started. This can be both appealing for your tenants and also increase your home’s curb appeal. 

A vegetable and fruit garden can provide your tenants with produce while also adding a unique touch to your home. While this may mean allowing for tenants who are in agreement with keeping it going and potentially doing what you can to protect it from pets, it could be a great way to draw in the environmentally conscious tenants you want.  

Provide them with recycling options  

While there may be trash systems set up in your city for recycling, in your home, it may not be as easy to separate trash. While those who are environmentally conscious will typically make it happen themselves, you can improve the experience by setting up a trash system inside that allows for easy separation of recycling and landfill trash. Why not take things further by setting up a compost bin outdoors? 

Environmentally friendly products in vacation rentals

If your home is a temporary vacation rental, a great way to take your environmentally conscious actions a step further is to provide your guests with products that are designed with the environment in mind. This may look like buying package-free soaps and shampoos in greater quantities to have in stock for each guest. It may be pricier than your grocery store products, but it’s more than worth it to help you appeal to your preferred type of tenant.

In Conclusion 

As you “shop” around for ideas for a more environmentally friendly home, consider the tips above. You want tenants who care about the environment just as much as you do, and these ideas can help make a difference in how you can appeal to them. You’ll also be doing a lot to help your home increase in value, so it’s a win-win all around. 

About Author

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an expert web content writer and freelancer who is an expert in writing engaging articles in Business, General, Social Media, Tech, and Marketing and many more other categories. He has been serving our website for a few years. Andrew is a family man. When he isn’t writing, he loves to cook for his kids and spend time with them.

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