
How to Easily Manage Your Clients on Your Smartphone

  • March 18, 2024
  • 5 min read
How to Easily Manage Your Clients on Your Smartphone

Technology is everything, especially in the twenty-first century. It is convenient, it is efficient, and it is holistic. That is why when it comes to running a business, you should make use of all technological tools to ensure you remain on top of the game and ahead of your competitors. Nowadays, you do not even need to have a heavy-duty computer or laptop to get the job done. All an entrepreneur needs is a good, fast smartphone and the right application to process business operations without any trouble whatsoever.

Whether it is an initial lead, closing a deal, or something more than that, keep reading to find out not only how to develop and boost sales but also how to manage your clients easily from the palm of your hand, no matter where you are!

Keeping Your Clients Satisfied Should Be Your First Priority

For any business, no matter if you are a small firm or a large corporation, the best investment you can make is in the people that your business revolves around. That means employees, as well as customers. Happy employees will ensure that your business remains efficient and productive, while happy customers lead to a good, trustworthy reputation and therefore more sales in the long run. The two aspects go hand in hand.

You must work on positive customer experiences and feedback and try your best to make sure you never have a customer leave you unsatisfied. As Ruby Newell-Legner once said in “Understanding Customers”, negative customer reviews reach the public twice as fast compared to any praise your company will have received. She also stated that it takes about twelve positive experiences to make up for one bad one. To cater to this, you should:

  1. Build your customer base and work on loyalty for your brand;
  2. Become more accessible to prospective and current clients; and
  3. Make your brand more human.

Make Use of Any of the Following Mobile Applications to Get the Job Done

Now that you understand the importance of good customer service, let us help you make the process of managing customer relationships easier. Whether you are new to the industry and have a limited budget or not, the following Customer Relationship Management (CRM) sales mobile apps applications will surely tackle all of the above three listed solutions in one go. Some of them have free plans, unlimited features, as well as premium subscriptions. Serve your customers on a day-to-day basis with the following apps.

1. Apptivo

Apptivo has a simple user interface making it extremely easy to use, all while being an integrated suite of more than fifty apps. It offers a wide range of features, such as covering CRM, supply chain, financials, project management, and much more. With Apptivo, not only will you be able to manage your clients easily, but other business operations, as well as deals with your supplier, all in a single interface.

2. Pipedrive

Built specifically around activity-based selling, Pipedrive will allow you to visualize your day well ahead of time, making it much easier to take action at the moment. The app enables you to plan your schedule in such a way that you maximize your selling time on the road to stay on top of deals. You will be able to track potential clients, all with the tap of a button, and have features like ‘Super Search’ for smooth follow-ups.

3. Zendesk

Quite a high enterprise-level Customer Relations Management (CRM) app, Zendesk will help your sales team boost their productivity, efficiency, as well as pipeline visibility. No matter which city, country, or continent you may be on, you will be aware of everything going on in your business. Be that forecasting reports, mobile CRM, or pipeline analysis, all in one place. By being constantly aware of your business operations, you can cater to all clients more effectively.

4. Hubspot

Hubspot’s mobile application lists down all your contacts in a queue so that you manage them accordingly, all the while giving you your deals in a funnel. By using this app on your phone, take your business with you wherever you are. The app allows you to create tasks, reminders, and deals efficiently and access your clients even if you are offline.

5. Insightly

As the name itself suggests, Insightly is a CRM software built to help you better connect to your customers and reach them at the right time. Your team will have access to all vital customer information ready at their hand so that no one freezes up during a meeting and knows exactly what the customer is referring to during discussions. You not only have basic features like adding voice memos to clients, opportunities, and organizations, but the CRM app makes use of Lead Routing to keep all relevant information on top. Automate your workflow with Insightly and generate tasks quickly and effectively for the rest of your team, all in one place.

With All That Being Said…

With these database tools, you will be able to provide your customers with a high-class, elite service experience, catering to their ever-increasing demands. You will:

  • Be able to manage and organize your clients according to your requirements;
  • Have a business management tool that is easy to use;
  • Be able to track and organize your deals all in one place; and
  • With premium features, be able to integrate your data with other apps as well.

Your customers should have various options when it is about reaching out to you, and you should have the technologies to respond to their queries as close to real-time as possible for instant gratification. Their convenience should take priority because it is through them that you will be making sales in the first place.

So, what are you waiting for? Test out each of the amazing CRM tools we listed above and integrate your favorite one with your business. Mobile solutions are the future, and you should not choose to be left behind. Take action now to boost not only your productivity but your sales too.

About Author

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an expert web content writer and freelancer who is an expert in writing engaging articles in Business, General, Social Media, Tech, and Marketing and many more other categories. He has been serving our website for a few years. Andrew is a family man. When he isn’t writing, he loves to cook for his kids and spend time with them.

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