
3 Things You Should Know About English Proficiency Certificates

  • March 21, 2024
  • 6 min read
3 Things You Should Know About English Proficiency Certificates

Whether you are a stay-at-home parent, a student, a salaried person, or a professional that has been in the industry for 25 years, it always helps to know English and to be certified in one or more English language proficiency tests. English is the most widely spoken language in the world. It is spoken in every country on the planet, even if it is a minority language in that country. In the same way that the US dollar is a global currency, the English language is a global language. If you want to learn, earn, or just make your way through the modern world, it is critical that you are proficient in both written and spoken English.

Language is a critical part of communication and for many employers, if a person does not know English it doesn’t matter how good they are at their job, they will not be employable. Whether you want to work at the largest companies in the world or you want to study at the leading universities in any country, you need to know English. Not everyone has the advantage of going to a good school and learning English from a young age, and there is quite a difference between native speakers and people who learned it later in life. This is why language proficiency tests are used to certify exactly how well a person communicates in a certain language.

English Proficiency

Depending on a person’s native language or educational background, English can either be a very easy language to learn or extremely challenging. When you apply to a school or a job in another country, you will most likely be asked for a language proficiency result.

Most schools and businesses have a minimum score that must be met before they admit someone into their organization. These different scores represent your proficiency with the language. Moreover, these tests are designed to depict both your written and spoken proficiency. Even if you only need to be good at one of these two aspects of the language, the requirement set forth by most of these businesses requires you to be good at both.

If you are planning on appearing for any kind of English language proficiency test, there are a few things to keep in mind.

1. There Are Different Tiers Of Tests

Within each kind of language testing system, there are multiple tests that you can do. These different tests focus on different aspects of the language, and one of the most important considerations is the difficulty level that you are applying for. For instance, if you are applying for immigration and need to prove that you can communicate in English, you may only need a simple evaluation. However, if you are applying to work in a foreign country in a sensitive job role, you will be required to achieve a much higher level.

Before you register for an English proficiency exam, you need to know exactly what is required for your particular situation. The college application team at suggests that you look at the specific language proficiency requirements for your program since different programs within the same university can have different requirements. In some cases, preparing for and appearing in these programs is a long process. The last thing you want is to go through that entire journey only to realize that even though you got a good score, it is not relevant for your particular program.

2. One Size Doesn’t Fit All

When it comes to English language proficiency tests, there are hundreds, possibly thousands, of options on the market. Moreover, there are many language tests that are specific to a certain university or organization and these are performed internally. It’s important that you know what test you need to undertake for your particular requirement.

Most universities and businesses will require some of the better-known tests such as TOEFL or IELTS, however, even within these tests, there are different subtypes. For instance, if you are applying for a new job you might have to apply with a TOEFL score but the business might specifically want a TOEFL ITP test score and not a standard TOEFL PTB score. While the tests are reasonably similar, the ITP is specifically for businesses, organizations, and industry professionals whereas the PTB test result can be used for any task.

3. It Can Be A Career

Providing testing services, coaching for language tests, study materials for students that need to take tests, or just simply sharing information about tests, are all excellent forms of business. Some of the main language tests that happen globally have hundreds of thousands of applicants per year, if not millions. If you are an expert in that particular test, or you have access to resources that students would find valuable, you could make a lot of money from this business.

A simple way to get started with this business is to affiliate yourself with a highly demanded testing service and to facilitate students by providing them with a testing center. This is particularly popular in regions where testing through online platforms is not that easy. All you need to do is to rent a space where assessors and applicants can come together, and they can either do their written exam, verbal exam, or any other kind of test that they need.

If you have done well in your own tests and have a knack for teaching, you could start developing your own courses and teach other applicants. You can do this online, or you could do it in person in a traditional classroom setting or as a personal tutor.

It Can Be A Career

English proficiency tests have been around for a very long time, and there is no sign of them going away anytime soon. As the world continues to get more and more interconnected, and as the requirement for skilled workers from all parts of the world rises, we are likely to see an increase in demand for language proficiency certifications. If you haven’t been able to secure the score that you desired, you can always reapply for the test and give it another go. There is no limit to how many times you can take most of these tests, and in the end, it is your best score that will be considered.

About Author

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an expert web content writer and freelancer who is an expert in writing engaging articles in Business, General, Social Media, Tech, and Marketing and many more other categories. He has been serving our website for a few years. Andrew is a family man. When he isn’t writing, he loves to cook for his kids and spend time with them.

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