
A group of people who used to work for the company is anonymously giving away company secrets, and this is some tea, y’all. People came through with the juicy secrets! Here are a few of the most popular ones

  • March 20, 2024
  • 8 min read
A group of people who used to work for the company is anonymously giving away company secrets, and this is some tea, y’all. People came through with the juicy secrets! Here are a few of the most popular ones
  1. There is a lot of employee theft at some furniture stores. What do you think the employee will want to do next? This $3000 sofa was damaged when it was moved around the showroom, so an invoice will say that it was then sold for $299. A sectional that was delivered but doesn’t show up on your inventory sheet isn’t yours. When you get it home, just put it on Facebook and sell it. Even more brazen: “One guy even tried to make it look like he sold something for a lower price and took the money.” Because the sofa had been sitting for a while, he had some room to cut the price down. This customer bought the sofa for $1000. The salesman said that the customer talked the price down to $800, and he kept the extra $200. For years, that person robbed the $10,000s of dollars from the bank and didn’t have to pay for it. Regional management finally worked it out, so they just fired the guy and didn’t say anything about the whole thing.

2. “Worked in a deli.” “The decaf coffee was just the same kind of coffee in a pot with an orange top.”

3. Three years ago, a big wedding dress store said that regular and plus-size wedding gowns would be the same price (like, a size 24 wouldn’t cost $150 more than a size 4 dress). This was how they did it: They marked up the prices of regular sizes to match the prices of the bigger sizes.

wedding dress store

4. In number 4, “Brake pads come with the first order.” For most people, this is a secret. For four years, I ran a car shop. I saw that the brake pads come with a lifetime warranty. If the brake pads are broken, most people think they can buy new ones. They don’t, however, realize that “normal wear” is part of that.

5. “Pawn shop.” Nude photos and personal photos should be deleted before you put your laptop on the pawn market or sell it to a third party. In my job, I had a boss who would go over each piece of equipment. This person would go through and try to show me pictures like I was giving a fuck. In fact, he could because the customer had agreed to a waiver when they came in. Remove your shit, people.

6. After every night, we would toss anything we didn’t eat at a well-known donut shop. If we took any food home with us, we would be charged for it. One week around Christmas, we would give the food away.

around Christmas

7. I used to work for a big-box store. They deliberately cut your hours so that you wouldn’t get full-time benefits, like health insurance. To be full-time, you need to work more than 33 hours a week for three months.” If you work less than 33 hours a week, you’re part-time. For two months and three weeks, I worked 33 hours or more every day. When I finished my last three-month work week, it would be exactly 32.5 hours long. Every three months, this would happen, and this would happen again. I asked my manager why this kept happening, and every time she lied to my face about it. A different reason each time, too.”

8. I’ve worked for a certain sports network for a long time now. They used to charge people to be a “Insider,” which gave you fantasy advice if you sent them an email. They no longer do this. Those “experts” were me and a bunch of other people who worked in a call centre in Omaha, Nebraska. It doesn’t matter what we think, we just have our own.

9. During my job at the store, I would measure women’s bra sizes. We only sell clothes up to 38DDD in the store. I was told by my bosses that if someone was bigger than a 38DDD, they should just say they were a close size and not lie. This is how it worked: “We always said 38 band size for people who were 44 or 46 or 48.” We had to get them a bra and persuade them not to try it on in a store. That way, we sold something. A lot of women left because we didn’t have their size. I always told them the truth about their size. If I measured the wrong way, my managers would come over and say the women were bigger than they were, even though I didn’t.

women’s bra sizes

10. Ten: “I’ve worked for a recycler and I know people who work with waste.” There aren’t very many things you recycle that go to the dump. In the past, many people mixed trash and plastic bags with their recycling. Now that most places put all of their recycling in one bin, it makes things worse. Once a batch of recycling is found to be dirty, the whole thing is sent to the dump. Plastic isn’t nearly as recyclable as the bottle says it is, even though it says so.

11. At one point in my life, I worked for a credit card company. People could check a box that said “priority processing” on their website. You had to pay £10 for this, but it made sure that you were at the front of the line when applications were processed. In reality, there was no way to skip the line. Everyone who paid extra for priority processing was automatically turned down because they were thought to be “too desperate for money.”

12. I worked at a big “organic food” grocery store while I was in high school. Most of our food was not organic. A lot of people would buy organic produce, put a “certified organic” sticker on it, and then sell it to us for a lot of money. We knew, but it didn’t stop us because it meant a lot more money.

13. It was when I was young that I worked in a camera shop. A few years ago, the owner would make an extra print of the nudes and hide them in the back of the shop. Was amused as a 15-year-old. Now, things look bad.

organic food

14. “Travel site warnings like “book quickly because there is only one room left in this hotel” are full of crap.

15. In this case, most of the clothes that people donate to this charity end up in the trash. At a normal store, they go through donations. If something isn’t good enough (stains or tears on clothes, broken electronics, etc.) or has been in the store for a month, it goes to an outlet store. Many people still don’t buy things there because they’re not cheap enough. If they’re at the outlet store long enough, they’re just thrown out of the store. I worked at the store for a few months and about half of our donations were sent to outlet stores, and most of what was there were thrown away.


16. Security was very important to a big insurance company that I worked for. To make a change, we couldn’t remotely access the server even though we could. It was against policy even though we could. Make an update: You had to put your changes on a USB drive, show your ID to the security guy, use your key to open the door, be led to a server, and be watched by cameras. The username is “Admin.” The password is? Blank. “No password at all.”

17. Finally, “I worked at a well-known clothing store in 2008.” Sales people were called “models.” Policies and books for managers to read about people who had “the look” were put in place. Managers were promoted based on how well they were able to find good employees. When I worked at a company, I could work in the back and be part of the “Impact Team.” It would happen every few months or so. The top five beautiful girls and most beautiful guys would get together for a “cast of photo.” I don’t know what this was for, but it was sent to the company.

A lot of people didn’t want to be in this because they didn’t want to be there. At that time, the store didn’t sell any black clothes. Those who worked there couldn’t wear eye make-up, lipstick, blush, or nail polish. A manager could send you home if you had any of these on. They could also ask you to take them off in the back. The message I got was that making the store look good was more important than taking care of the people who came in. In the past, there was a different CEO, and things are very different now. They changed their name to be more like other fast-fashion stores. I don’t think a store would be able to stay open like that in 2022. Some of the practices were so controversial.

About Author

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an expert web content writer and freelancer who is an expert in writing engaging articles in Business, General, Social Media, Tech, and Marketing and many more other categories. He has been serving our website for a few years. Andrew is a family man. When he isn’t writing, he loves to cook for his kids and spend time with them.

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