
Kelly Stafford, wife of NFL player Matthew Stafford shares a wild encounter with star Leonardo DiCaprio on vacation….and it’s not what you are expecting!

  • March 21, 2024
  • 4 min read
Kelly Stafford, wife of NFL player Matthew Stafford shares a wild encounter with star Leonardo DiCaprio on vacation….and it’s not what you are expecting!

Famous movie star Leonardo DiCaprio allegedly licked the ear of an NFL player’s wife and fans could not stop gushing about this wild encounter. Do you want to know the most bizarre part about this story? He licked her ear in front of her husband! Continue reading to find out what exactly happened during this crazy vacation, told by none other than Kelly Stafford, wife of NFL player Matthew Stafford herself.

NFL player Matthew Stafford

Kelly Stafford, who is the wife of the famous NFL player recalled one of the most bizarre and unusual moments from their vacation trip to the Bahamas. She told an interesting vacation story on her podcast “The Morning After with Kelly Stafford”. The NFL couple recently went on a relaxing trip to the Bahamas with another NFL couple- Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan along with his wife, Sara.

Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan along with his wife

Kelly told that this funny incident took place when they were at a bar known as Baker’s Bay in the Bahamas. Kelly recalled saying that they went to the house of this place’s owner because he was having dinner and hired a new chef for his place. The NFL star couples sat down at a table but there were still four empty seats next to them.

Before they know it, the Titanic” star Leonardo DiCaprio, supermodel Nina Agdal and two others joined them and the star couples ended up having dinner with them. Kelly Stafford said that they were so starstruck they started kicking each other from under their table. All of them got to know each other and one “thing’ led to another.

She said that they asked them if we wanted to join them for a Volleyball match tomorrow and obviously they said yes. The next day, Kelly Stafford and Sara went to the Volleyball court where they met Leo, Adgal, and others while their husbands were busy playing golf.

Kelly further added that at night, they all decided on playing Piccolo, which is basically a fun drinking game on your phone. All the participants have to do dares, challenges, and more “interesting” things.

So, the game began and you can say that they were all pretty hammered at that time. The challenges got naughtier and a bit “dirtier”. It was Leo’s turn and he turned to his phone and read the dare which said “Leo, lick Sara’s ear 4 times or just drink 6 sips’.

Anyhow, Leo slowly started to get up and went towards Sara. Kelly added that she started looking at Sara with wide eyes. “Holy Sh*t” Stafford added. Leo slowly squatted and leans in to lick Sara’s ear for about 4 seconds. “…. I swear Sara didn’t move,” Kelly said while recalling this wild vacation moment they’ll never forget.

I mean, we would also freeze if a ginormous movie star Leonardo DiCaprio licked our ear while being totally drunk. And yes, Leo licked Sara’s ear in front of her husband, NFL player Matt Ryan!

Sara later confirmed this story via Instagram by commenting on a video regarding this, and she wrote, “….Time stood still for me”

incredible moment

If I am being fairly honest, it would also have been the most incredible moment of my life, because after all, it was none other than the iconic movie star, Leonardo DiCaprio.

You can listen to the entire story told by Kelly Stafford herself on her podcast “The Morning After with Kelly Stafford” on here:

Kelly Stafford is the wife of the famous Los Angeles Rams Quarterback, Matthew Stafford. Kelly is also the sister of former NFL player Chad Hall. The couple met when Matthew was playing as a quarterback for the University of Georgia and Kelly was on the cheerleading squad. The celebrity couple later got married in 2015 and now have four kids together; Hunter Hope, Sawyer, Chandler, and Tyler Hall. They now live in LA after Mathew was signed by the Los Angeles Rams in the year 2021.

If Leonardo DiCaprio ever licks your ear in front of your husband, what would have been your reaction? Let us know in the comment section down below!

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Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an expert web content writer and freelancer who is an expert in writing engaging articles in Business, General, Social Media, Tech, and Marketing and many more other categories. He has been serving our website for a few years. Andrew is a family man. When he isn’t writing, he loves to cook for his kids and spend time with them.

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