
7 Best Ecommerce Website Design & Development Guide For Beginners

  • March 19, 2024
  • 5 min read
7 Best Ecommerce Website Design & Development Guide For Beginners

In the present day and time, whatever we do is primarily online, including the obvious – shopping. This is the reason for the massive prevalence of eCommerce platforms and businesses.

So, today, regardless of what you sell – salad dressing, sneakers, or anything in between, you need to have an eCommerce website. With an eCommerce website, you have a chance to establish your brand, sell to more customers, and connect with your audience.

However, all of this is possible only if you have a good website design.

Your website’s design and development are crucial when you build an eCommerce platform. A good eCommerce platform is about selecting the correct graphics, words, images, fonts, and colors.

Together all of this can help you convince your visitors to avail of your products or services. Your website’s eCommerce design should be capable of attracting new customers, offering existing ones an excellent user experience, and presenting your shop in the best light.

But, how can you make this happen? What should you know before you get into the designing and development of your e-commerce website? Fret no more. Here is a quick list of seven of the best e-commerce design and development tips for beginners.

Keep your user in mind

Every little detail of your eCommerce website design – right from the product pages to the contact forms, product images, to the website’s checkout page, influences the user’s decision to shop from you,’ comments Mathew. Mathew is a noted website developer for platforms like EduWordlUSA, where you can find several online assignment help tutors.

We agree entirely with Mathew on this, which is why you must make it a point to leave the best first impression. Hence, when designing the website, you must keep your customer/user in mind. The kind of experience you offer them is paramount to converting potential customers to customers and existing customers to repeat customers.

Please keep it simple

One of the critical rules you need to bear in mind when designing your e-commerce website is KISS. Kiss? Well, yes, but here Kiss is not what you may think. Herein KISS stands for Keep It Simple, Silly.

So, when designing an e-commerce website, just know that simple web designs are the best. If you have several elements on your page – pop-ups, ads, colors, etc., it takes away from the whole point of the website that is, closing a sale.

Hence, there is absolutely no need for too many bells and whistles on your e-commerce platform. They do no good and somewhat distract your customer. So, please keep it clean, simple, and straightforward. Please know that your key idea is to close a sale.

Design with colors in mind

When you decide the colors for your website, pick the colors that not only represent your brand but also cater to your audience and company’s mood,’ advises Jerry, a web designer for TFTH, a platform where you can find ‘pay for writing papersservices.

Let us explain what Jerry just said here. Colors have the potential to spark the emotions and feelings of the people towards your brand or product. So, bear this in mind, and make your color selection accordingly.

Keep your cart easily accessible

Why are the customers there on your website? To make a purchase! Hence, your shopping icon or cart must be easily accessible to them. Never keep the cart hidden or put it somewhere weird. In fact, the cart must be accessible and visible to the customers all through the buying journey. Usually, customers like to see the cart at the top of the page. So, ensure that it is right there.

Keep your search bar accessible to find

‘When there are more products on your website than you can accommodate in a single page view, then you mandatorily require a search bar,’ comments Stacey, an educator and an finance assignment helpprofessional.

Yes, if you have a greater number of products, you cannot omit your website’s search bar. You can either opt for a mini search feature or a small magnifying glass icon or go with an extensive and prominent search box placed right in the center and front that is easier to locate. If you think having a big and prominent search box will look dated, you probably forgot the e-commerce giant, Amazon.

Simplify the menu

Speaking of the menu options, there are e-commerce platforms, which have several product categories, sometimes even dozens or hundreds. In this case, you need to ensure that your menu is simplified so that the customers know which category will have the product they need.

Keep the social media icons in the footer

When you have an e-commerce website, it is safe to ensure that the customer on your website makes a purchase instead of getting distracted and leaving to browse your socials. To prevent this from happening, your social media icons must never be present on the header or the sidebar and must be strictly pushed to the footer. Since the footer is where the customers usually expect to find it, they can easily find them.

Of course, social media platforms are essential, especially in the case where the customers wish to know more about you or get a faster revert to their queries (Facebook messenger or Instagram DM over e-mails), but the idea is to not distract the customer from making a purchase.

So, these are the seven most important tips that you need to bear in mind when designing and developing your e-commerce website.

About Author

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an expert web content writer and freelancer who is an expert in writing engaging articles in Business, General, Social Media, Tech, and Marketing and many more other categories. He has been serving our website for a few years. Andrew is a family man. When he isn’t writing, he loves to cook for his kids and spend time with them.

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