
Follow These Steps to Form an Engagement-Based Conversion Channel

  • March 15, 2024
  • 4 min read
Follow These Steps to Form an Engagement-Based Conversion Channel

The web is evolving, and online businesses are facing new challenges. The buying journey is also becoming fragmented and complex. Customers are knowledgeable and have access to more devices than a few years ago. It is all about a customer’s journey in which he or she will click through to a landing page to complete a sale. As the customers have so many things to consider, it is challenging to turn visitors into purchasers. Some of the ways to establish an engagement-based conversion channel are given below:

Build an engagement asset:

The truth is that about 90% of your contemporary website audience is not yet ready to purchase from you. It may be because the website visitors are performing research or may not find the website trustworthy as it promotes a new brand. Or else it may be that they are looking for something entirely different. To dominate your competition and make your revenue powerful, you may opt for Adelaide SEO Services. It is said that only 5% of the website visitors get converted into actual customers. But 95% of them get left. Thus, you need to understand the importance of secondary products. It is about engaging your visitors before trying to sell your products or services. The secondary product that you are planning to offer should be free or premium and must be relevant to your primary products, and most importantly, it must rank on Google. This is neither a time-consuming process nor expensive. You may probably find something that can be turned into a secondary product.

Include the secondary product into your marketing campaign:

The best place to market the engagement asset is the content-based pages, like blogs. It will be more effective if you can align your marketing assets with your engagement asset. The main point is that: your CTA (call-to-action) needs to match with the interest of your reader. Make your readers sign up for a newsletter or subscribe to your page because these all build long-term commitment and engagement. Keeping your asset in the center, surround it with effective context so that it ranks in Google, and convert readers into your website members, and eventually make them faithful to your brand. Just remember one thing, the most important step towards success is to establish trust between you and your readers or visitors.

Make use of AI for marketing the secondary asset:

The marketing industry is evolving rapidly due to AI (artificial intelligence) and machine learning. The chatbots solve the problems of the customers independently, and their smart-product recommendations are bringing a revolution in the entire marketing industry. If one is not aware of this, he or she is already far beyond. Self-learning software can be used to present engagement assets to the readers. The software does this at that particular point when the readers are more likely to engage. To set up an engagement channel, a smart recommendation engine can be integrated. Whenever your readers are seeking more information, put your chatbot software into use to suggest your engagement asset to the readers.

Make use of retargeting to convert users into customers:

Re-targeting will allow you to turn the engaged users into potential customers. In short, you can turn them into potential sales of your primary product. You can use the custom audience option or retargeting on Facebook to offer your primary product ads to the audience who have visited the landing page of the secondary asset or who have joined the membership website. Software is available that you can use to re-engage your engaged users by setting up a retargeting campaign to present custom ads to the people who have installed your app or have downloaded your asset.


With the advancement in technology and higher competition, the journey of a buyer is no longer easy as it was before. The above methods help to generate fidelity and engagement first and then convert the visitors or readers into potential customers.

About Author

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an expert web content writer and freelancer who is an expert in writing engaging articles in Business, General, Social Media, Tech, and Marketing and many more other categories. He has been serving our website for a few years. Andrew is a family man. When he isn’t writing, he loves to cook for his kids and spend time with them.

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