
Dangers Of The Road: How To Stay Safe While Riding A Bike

  • March 19, 2024
  • 6 min read
Dangers Of The Road: How To Stay Safe While Riding A Bike

We’re always on the move- trying to get to work, the grocery store, the gym- it’s a never-ending story. And the fact that there’s always endless traffic and noise and pollution doesn’t help whatsoever. This is why it’s probably the perfect time to think of an alternative solution. Cycling is an amusing sport that increases your endurance and boosts your balance. It’s also a great way to meet new people, make friends, and give your car a rest for a while. While cycling is an awesome way to exercise and keep your body in shape, it can also jeopardize your life and put you at risk if you’re not cautious. Many people in different countries get seriously injured due to distraction or disregard for traffic laws. So, we’ve written this guide to help you stay safe from bike crashes. Read on for some great tips!

Choosing A Suitable Size

First, you need to choose a bike that suits your body. Choosing a small or enormous bike will give you a hard time handling it properly. The choice of a suitable bike is correlated with your height. When shopping, be sure to review the measurement chart to help you choose the right bike for you. The ideal bike should enable you to stand upright, leaving only five centimeters of space between the seat and your groin. The best thing to do is to ask the seller for advice and let them assist you with picking a suitable bike. Moreover, you need to ensure that your two-wheeler is in the best condition before riding it. The tires must be well inflated and the brakes should function properly. And by all means, adjust the seat to your comfort.

Wearing A Helmet

A large number of cyclists ignore wearing a helmet, which is most likely why many of them have terrible accidents. Research shows that a head injury can be lowered by 70% just by putting on a helmet. While all bicycle injuries inflict a lot of pain, head injuries can cause traumas and fatalities. Additionally, the main purpose of a helmet is to safeguard your skull from bumps and knocks. That’s why you should always wear a helmet to protect your head and neck in the event of an accident. In case you get involved in a bicycle accident, you should get a new helmet. The professional attorneys in Texas explain that if you are injured, be sure to hire a lawyer who can protect your legal rights and get you the highest compensation possible. If you live in Texas, don’t hesitate to hire a San Antonio motorcycle injury lawyer to be by your side until you receive your legal rights. Since no compensation is greater than a sound and safe body, you must use a helmet as a mandatory means of safety.

Avoiding Distraction

Cycling alone can put you in grave danger, so don’t make it worse by getting distracted. Keep distractions to a minimum and pay attention only to the road. Enjoy the nature around you and breathe in the breezy air instead of listening to music through your headphones. Although listening to your favorite playlist is fun, putting on headphones can be extremely risky. When you are riding a bike on the road, especially during rush hour, your senses must be alert and observant. You should be able to listen to the horns, whistles, and sounds of vehicles moving closer to you. Even if the road you select is quieter with less traffic, you should still be on the lookout for other vehicles or threats that could compromise your safety.

Using Both Hands

One of the benefits of cycling is that it dramatically improves your balance, allowing you to ride without using your hands to control the handlebars. Unfortunately, doing this puts your life at risk and leaves you vulnerable to bumps, or worse, collisions. When your hands are off the handlebars, it will take longer to turn or brake when a dangerous object suddenly appears or a passer-by crosses the road. You could then fall off your bike and hurt yourself or bump into someone because you couldn’t stop in time. In addition, it is sometimes tricky to keep the bike in control when pedaling on cobbles or craggy surfaces while using both hands to steer the bike. Needless to say, things can get worse when you flaunt your skills by riding without keeping both of your hands on the handlebars.

Bike’s Visibility

Headlamps aren’t just for cars and motorcycles. One of the most important things to be done is to install extra headlights to better illuminate your surroundings and increase your visibility. You should also become familiar with their use, especially at crossroads. Other drivers won’t anticipate what you’re going to do unless you signal or warn them. In addition, you can add daytime running lights and headlights for night trips. When everyone on the road is on the same wavelength, collisions are less likely to occur. Alternatively, consider wearing brightly colored or reflective clothing, even if it’s against your fashion sense, to increase nighttime visibility and reduce the risk of accidents.

Riding Like A Car Driver

When riding a bicycle, you can easily cross different lanes and slip freely between vehicles. This way of riding makes you more vulnerable to injury. Even if your two-wheeler is small, act like you’re driving a car. Large vehicles will not cut across multiple lanes or ignore road signs. Stay safe and predictable to the other vehicles so you don’t surprise someone and hurt them or yourself. Moreover, respect bike lanes as this will contribute to your safety and that of other cyclists.

Riding Like A Car Driver

Morning bike rides are priceless. They take you away from your daily routine and let you enjoy the cool breeze. Unfortunately, this comes at a cost as cycling is one of the most crash-causing sports. If you are concerned about your safety, you should know some essential tips on how to stay safe when riding a bike. Do not underestimate the instructions, because if you do, you may face life-threatening situations and increase the risk of serious injuries. Save the above tips and be sure to stick to them on your next trip.

About Author

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an expert web content writer and freelancer who is an expert in writing engaging articles in Business, General, Social Media, Tech, and Marketing and many more other categories. He has been serving our website for a few years. Andrew is a family man. When he isn’t writing, he loves to cook for his kids and spend time with them.

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