
How AI and Machine Learning Are Changing the Life of a Student

  • March 20, 2024
  • 6 min read
How AI and Machine Learning Are Changing the Life of a Student

Technological progress is always linked to rapid and massive changes in other spheres of our lives. This also includes education. Over the past decades, the educational sector has transformed significantly. And all of it thanks to technology.

How does this affect students, in particular? According to the McGraw Hill Digital Study Trends survey, over 4 out of 5 students agree that digital technology helps them:

  • 84%: Improve the educational process;
  • 81%: Saves their time;
  • 81%: Boost their grades.

Indeed, rapid progress has provided students with plenty of unique opportunities and tools. Now, learners can use write a paper for me services to delegate their assignments, reduce the load, and boost grades.

They can also use other auxiliary tools to simplify their daily tasks. They can easily attend classes online or collaborate on digital progress. These are just a few of the many perks. And more is yet to come.

Today, the biggest buzz is around Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. These two technologies seem to have the potential to change education even more. How are they already changing students’ lives? Let’s figure it out!

AI and Machine Learning: Getting Clear on the Definitions

In order to see the full range of effects that these innovations have on students, it’s important to understand them in the first place. So let’s start with brief definitions.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a broad field of computer science. Its primary aim is to create intelligent machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence.

For example, such machines should have such attributions as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation.

Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of AI. It involves training computer algorithms to learn from data and improve automatically over time. The core idea is that they will be able to advance without being explicitly programmed.

ML algorithms can learn to recognize patterns in data, make predictions, and take actions based on data inputs. In essence, ML algorithms can learn to identify and understand patterns and relationships in data and use that knowledge to make decisions or perform tasks.

How Are AI and ML Already Used in Education?

Although these technologies are still developing, they are already being used in education in a variety of ways. Here are some examples:

  • Adaptive learning. AI-powered adaptive learning platforms use ML algorithms to analyze student data. For example, they can assess performance on quizzes and homework assignments. This knowledge is then used to create a personalized learning experience that considers each student’s unique strengths and weaknesses.
  • Intelligent tutoring systems. Intelligent tutoring systems use AI and machine learning to provide students with personalized feedback, suggestions, and guidance on their work. These systems can be used for a wide range of subjects, from math and science to foreign languages.
  • Chatbots. Educational institutions are increasingly using AI-powered chatbots. They do it to provide students with 24/7 support for a range of tasks. For example, a chatbot can help young people find information about courses, enroll in classes, and access campus resources.
  • Grading and assessment. AI and ML algorithms can be used to automate grading and assessment tasks, such as grading multiple-choice quizzes and essays. This can save educators time and ensure consistent grading, even in large classrooms.
  • Predictive analytics. This analytics helps identify young people at risk of dropping out or falling behind in their studies. This concept is not rare anymore. Machine learning algorithms can analyze a range of data points. Namely, they can assess attendance, test scores, social factors, etc. This data is then used to predict which learners may need additional support and interventions.

Language learning. AI-powered language learning platforms use ML algorithms to provide students with personalized feedback on their pronunciation and grammar, as well as recommendations for further study.

How Are AI and ML Already Used in Education?

4 Ways AI and ML Are Changing Students’ Lives Today

As you can see, the use of these innovations in schools and colleges isn’t something new or rare these days. As technologies advance, more and more educational facilities are adopting them.

Both AI and ML are already transforming the education sector. Respectively, they also affect students and their day-to-day lives.

Here are just a few ways how these innovations change young people’s lives and benefit them:

  1. Personalization. First and foremost, AI and ML algorithms provide plenty of possibilities for personalization. Systems powered by these technologies can run an accurate analysis of study patterns, strengths, and weaknesses. As a result, young people receive personalized experiences.
  2. Accessibility. Secondly, both of these technologies are making education more accessible. This is especially beneficial to students with disabilities. For example, text-to-speech technology can be used to help visually impaired people read and understand written materials.
  3. Enhanced academic materials. Already now, AI and ML are used to develop interactive and engaging classroom materials. Educators use them to craft lesson plans. They also use them to develop extra materials like videos, games, and simulations. And all these materials are based on real data and analysis. That is, they can be more interesting and effective than traditional ones.
  4. Better academic outcomes and lower risks. Together, all previous points can do wonders for students’ performance in school. According to numerous studies, all these factors help young people achieve greater success with less effort. On top of that, AI and ML make it possible to identify students’ weaknesses and risks. Respectively, they can signal teachers about any struggles or issues facing a particular student to make it possible to address them timely and efficient. This significantly lowers the risks of underperformance or dropouts. For example, teachers will see the areas where students struggle and can provide appropriate resources to help them overcome the challenges.

The Bottom Line

Today, AI and ML are trending across all industries. These technologies are applied all over the place. So education isn’t the exception.

Overall, AI and ML have already found many applications in education. They are already transforming the sector. And we can’t deny that they are also improving the lives of students.

It provides personalized academic experiences, develops interactive and engaging academic materials, improves accessibility, and helps learners mitigate the risks and achieve greater results. So the benefits are huge.

About Author

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an expert web content writer and freelancer who is an expert in writing engaging articles in Business, General, Social Media, Tech, and Marketing categories. He has been serving our website for a few years. Andrew is a family man. When he isn’t writing, he loves to cook for his kids and spend time with them.

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