
How To Find The Top Cleaning Company For Your Business

  • March 19, 2024
  • 6 min read
How To Find The Top Cleaning Company For Your Business

There are a lot of companies that offer cleaning services. How do you know which one is the best for your business? There are many factors to consider when selecting a company, and it can be difficult to find the right match for your needs. In this article, I will discuss what questions you should ask potential cleaners before hiring them, how much it costs to hire cleaners on an ongoing basis, and more.

Consider what you need the cleaning company to do

The more specific you can be about the tasks that need to get done, the better. If you want your office cleaned once a week on Mondays, then let potential companies know this when they ask how often and what times of day they should clean. Also, consider if there are any special events coming up or other unique situations where you would like cleaners to come in before anyone else arrives at work (i.e., holiday parties). When thinking about which services each company offers, keep in mind some additional features such as:

  • Carpet cleaning – The frequency of carpet cleaning will depend on foot traffic and spills/stains that occur throughout the year. For example, if you are situated in Sydney and you are looking for carpet cleaning in Sydney, you should make sure that the company offers a comprehensive carpet cleaning service. Additionally, if you have heavy traffic and a large number of stains, it might be worth considering hiring a professional carpet cleaner in addition to your regular cleaners.
  • Window washing – Depending on where you are located (i.e., Sydney), window washing may not be something that is offered by all companies or required for every client. However, if there are windows at your office space, this could potentially save time/money over having employees do it themselves!
  • Specialty cleaning – This may include cleaning hard-to-reach areas, removing odors (e.g., smoke), or other unique services that you need for your space.
  • One-time cleanings – If there are certain occasions throughout the year when you would like to have cleaners come in and help out with a big project, they should be able to accommodate your needs! For example, if it is not possible for employees to take a vacation on specific dates where trade shows will be attended at work, hiring temporary staff is one of the best ways to ensure these events run smoothly.

Find out what they charge for their services

Cleaning companies will typically have different packages that you can choose from when deciding which one is right for your business. In addition to the price, there are other factors you should consider such as:

  • Whether they charge by time or square footage – Some cleaning services may offer a flat rate per hour while others tend to be more affordable because of their pricing structure based on total floor space cleaned (e.g., $12/hour x 100 sq ft). Please note that due to wear and tear in commercial areas, sometimes it might actually cost less over time to use a company with an hourly fee! For example, if your office space has 200 sq feet of carpeting, then paying X dollars per visit would likely end up being a better deal than paying a flat rate for 200 sq ft.
  • The time of day that they will be cleaning – If you have a routine or other unique circumstances at your office, it may make sense to find an agency with flexible hours (i.e., after work) so as not to disrupt employees too much! In addition, if there are specific tasks/areas that need special attention from cleaners during certain times of the year (such as carpet cleaning before big events), then this should also be addressed when looking into different services offered. There can also sometimes be price breaks depending on which days and how many hours per week a company cleans – just remember to ask them about all these details upfront!

Ask about any discounts or special offers

As a business, you may be able to negotiate with the company in order to get a special deal. For example, if they know that your office space is about 200 sq feet and you are looking for weekly cleanings each Friday from 11-12 pm, then this information should be useful when negotiating prices. In addition, many companies will offer certain discounts for first-time customers or long-term arrangements (i.e., six months/one year).

Check if the company is insured and bonded

It is important to make sure that the cleaning company you are hiring has appropriate insurance for its employees. This way, if they have an accident when in your office space or property (e.g., dropping a bottle of bleach), it will be covered by their policy and not yours! You should also check with them whether they bond all employees who work on-site at your location. Just like above, this may protect both parties in case of any accidents while providing services to you throughout the year (i.e., damage done).

Request a list of references from the company

It is also helpful to ask for a list of references from previous customers that can serve as examples of what they do. This will not only give you more information about the company, but it may provide further insight into whether or not their services are right for your business. For example, if a cleaning service has no office space available in which to meet with you and discuss things face-to-face (e.g., Skype), then this should be viewed as a red flag since these types of meetings typically take place before signing any contracts for professional services. On the other hand, happy past clients who have been using them on an ongoing basis could speak volumes about why working together would be mutually beneficial.

Request a list of references from the company

When you’ve found a company that fits your needs, it is important that both parties feel confident in their decision to move forward. If you have any questions, they should be able to answer them without hesitation so there are no surprises during the course of your working relationship together. We hope that this advice proves helpful in your search for the best cleaning service to work with!

About Author

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an expert web content writer and freelancer who is an expert in writing engaging articles in Business, General, Social Media, Tech, and Marketing categories. He has been serving our website for a few years. Andrew is a family man. When he isn’t writing, he loves to cook for his kids and spend time with them.

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