
The Top 8 Apps for Finding Inspiration and Creative Ideas

  • March 20, 2024
  • 7 min read
The Top 8 Apps for Finding Inspiration and Creative Ideas

Creativity and innovation are key to success in any field, and being able to tap into your creative side can help you come up with innovative solutions or explore new directions.

But sometimes it can be hard to stay inspired, especially if all of your ideas feel like they’re running dry! 

Thankfully there are plenty of apps available that will help unlock your creative potential by providing resources for finding inspiration and generating creative ideas.

In this blog post, we take a look at the top 8 apps for locating inspiration and sparking fresh thoughts so you can keep the creativity flowing. Read on to discover how these great tools can help reignite the fire within you!

1. Pinterest – A Great Way to Find Ideas and Inspiration

Pinterest is a fantastic platform that offers a plethora of ideas and inspiration for DIY projects, recipes, lifestyle tips, and much more. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced DIY enthusiast, Pinterest has something for everyone.

There are over 544 million monthly Pinterest users around the globe, that enjoy finding inspiration and creative ideas to try out. From creating your own homemade furniture to whipping up scrumptious meals, the ideas available on Pinterest are endless.

Moreover, you can also use the platform to discover the latest fashion trends, home decor ideas, and travel inspiration. Pinterest is a great tool for unleashing your creativity and getting inspired to try new things. 

2. Unsplash – A Free Photo Library with a Wide Variety of Pictures 

Unsplash is a fantastic resource for anyone in need of high-quality images. With a wide variety of pictures to choose from, Unsplash offers a vast collection of photos that are completely free to use.

Whether you’re a blogger, designer, or just looking for a beautiful background image, you’ll be spoilt for choice with Unsplash’s extensive library. 

From stunning landscapes to artistic portraits, Unsplash has something for everyone. Plus, their licensing policy allows you to use the images for personal or commercial purposes without any attribution requirements, making it an incredibly user-friendly platform.

If you’re looking for a free and easy-to-use source of beautiful photos, Unsplash is definitely worth checking out!

3. Evernote – The Perfect App for Writing Down Ideas 

Ever had a brilliant idea strike you while you’re away from your desk and kicked yourself for not remembering it later?

Fear no more, because Evernote has got you covered. This app has become a lifesaver for anyone with a busy schedule and a brain full of valuable ideas, solutions, and inspiration. 

Whether you’re brainstorming on your morning commute, browsing the web on your lunch break, or even on a weekend getaway miles away from the office, you’ll be able to log in and manage all of your thoughts with ease thanks to this intuitive, efficient, and user-friendly app.

4. Brainly – An Online Platform That Provides Answers 

In the age of the internet, it’s no surprise that we turn to online platforms for answers to our questions. Brainly is one such platform that caters to our curiosity, providing answers to any question we might have. 

Whether it’s a math problem that has us stumped or a history question that requires a bit of research, Brainly offers a community of experts who are ready to help us out.

Through this website, we can connect with like-minded individuals and tap into a vast pool of knowledge that we might not have access to otherwise. So if you’re someone who loves to learn new things and explore the world around you, give Brainly a try!

5. TED Talks – Inspiring Talks from Leading Industry Experts

TED Talks are a source of inspiration for millions of people worldwide. From technology and education to science and art, these talks provide insights and knowledge from leading industry experts and innovators. 

Renowned for their captivating nature, TED Talks leave a lasting impression on their viewers. Whether it’s gaining a deeper understanding of a particular subject or receiving a boost of motivation, TED Talks offer something for everyone.

Now, with the help of the Gramvio app, you can download videos you like and save them for later. Because each presentation is carefully crafted to deliver a unique message and ignite a spark within the listener.

These talks not only provide a glimpse into the minds of thought leaders but also encourage us to think differently, sparking innovation and change in our own lives. 

6. Design Seeds – A Vibrant Collection of Color Palettes

Design Seeds is a treasure trove of color palettes that is sure to ignite your creativity! If you’re looking for inspiration for your next project, whether it be a website, social media visuals, a piece of artwork, or an interior design project, Design Seeds has you covered.

The website offers a stunning array of vibrant color combinations to suit all types of projects. 

From bold and playful to understated and elegant, the palettes on offer are sure to provide you with fresh ideas and a new perspective on color.

With easy-to-use color codes and accompanying images that showcase how the colors work together, Design Seeds is the ultimate resource for anyone looking to enhance their design skills.

7. DailyArt – Daily Doses of Art History

DailyArt is an innovative mobile application designed to provide art enthusiasts with an exceptional experience. With just a few taps on your smartphone, DailyArt takes you on a virtual journey to explore a diverse range of artworks from the world’s leading museums and art galleries.

The app is concise, making it easy to use and navigate, allowing you to quickly access the desired artwork and artist’s information. 

With DailyArt, you will not only enjoy and appreciate the aesthetic beauty of art but also learn about the history and background of each piece.

This feature is impressive, as it enables art enthusiasts to explore the world around them through an educational and creative lens.

8. Behance – for Creatives to Showcase Their Work and Connect with Others

Behance is a social media platform that serves as an app for finding inspiration. The app was launched in 2005 and since then it has been a haven for artists and designers to showcase their work, discover other creatives, get feedback, and collaborate with others.

Behance hosts millions of creative works that are categorized in various fields including photography, graphic design, illustration, architecture, fashion, and many more.

Many professional creatives, as well as students and hobbyists, use Behance to showcase their work and get discovered by potential clients or employers.


As you can see, there are lots of useful tools available to help stay organized and fill your creative toolbox.

Whether it’s finding ideas to fuel your projects, writing down ideas while on the go, locating inspiring talks from industry leaders, or selecting a color scheme for the new family room, there is something out there that can lend a hand. 

Pinterest, Unsplash, Evernote, Brainly, TED Talks, DailyArts, Behance, and Design Seeds are just a few examples of sources that can lead you in the right direction.

If you’re looking for more ways to become inspired and productive every day, why not give these solutions a try? With great technology at our fingertips, it can be easier than ever to inject creativity and life into our daily routines.

About Author

Andrew Lewis

Andrew Lewis is an expert web content writer and freelancer who is an expert in writing engaging articles in Business, General, Social Media, Tech, and Marketing and many more other categories. He has been serving our website for a few years. Andrew is a family man. When he isn’t writing, he loves to cook for his kids and spend time with them.

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